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CC2510F8RSP 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CC2510F8RSP
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内容描述: 低功耗的SoC (系统级芯片)与MCU,存储器, 2.4 GHz射频收发器和USB控制器 [Low-Power SoC (System-on-Chip) with MCU, Memory, 2.4 GHz RF Transceiver, and USB Controller]
分类和应用: 存储射频控制器
文件页数/大小: 244 页 / 2899 K
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C2510Fx / CC2511Fx  
13.4.4 General Purpose I/O Interrupts  
P1IEN: P1 interrupt enables  
General purpose I/O pins configured as inputs  
can be used to generate interrupts. The  
interrupts can be configured to trigger on  
either a rising or falling edge of the external  
signal. Each of the P0, P1 and P2 ports have  
separate interrupt enable bits common for all  
bits within the port located in the IENx  
registers as follows:  
PICTL: P0/P2 interrupt enables and P0,  
P1, and P2 edge configuration  
P0IFG: P0 interrupt status flags  
P1IFG: P1 interrupt status flags  
P2IFG: P2 interrupt status flags  
13.4.5 General Purpose I/O DMA  
IEN1.P0IE: P0 interrupt enable  
IEN2.P1IE: P1 interrupt enable  
IEN2.P2IE: P2 interrupt enable  
When used as general purpose I/O pins, the  
P0_1 and P1_3 pins are each associated with  
one DMA trigger. These DMA triggers are  
IOC_0 for P0_1 and IOC_1 for P1_3 as shown  
in Table 51 on Page 105.  
In addition to these common interrupt enables,  
the bits within each port have interrupt enable  
bits located in I/O port SFRs. Each bit within  
P1 has an individual interrupt enable bit,  
P1_xIEN, where x is 0 - 7, located in the  
P1IEN register. For P0, the low-order nibble  
and the high-order nibble have their individual  
interrupt enables, P0IENL and P0IENH  
respectively, found in the PICTL register. For  
the P2_0 – P2_4 inputs there is a common  
interrupt enable, P2IEN, in the PICTL  
The IOC_0 DMA trigger is activated when  
(P0SEL.SELP0_1 and P0DIR.P0_1 must be  
0) and IOC_1 is activated when there is a  
falling edge on P1_3 (P1SEL.SELP1_3 and  
P1DIR.P1_3 must be 0). Note that only input  
transitions on pins configured as general  
purpose I/O, inputs will produce a DMA trigger.  
13.4.6 Peripheral I/O  
This section describes how the digital  
input/output pins are configured as peripheral  
I/Os. For each peripheral unit that can  
interface with an external system through the  
digital input/output pins, a description of how  
peripheral I/Os are configured is given in the  
following sub-sections.  
When an interrupt condition occurs on one of  
corresponding interrupt status flag in the P0 -  
P2 interrupt status flag registers, P0IFG ,  
P1IFG, or P2IFG will be set to 1. The  
interrupt status flag is set regardless of  
whether the pin has its interrupt enable set.  
The CPU interrupt flags located in IRCON2for  
P1 and P2, and IRCON for P0, will only be  
asserted if one or more of the interrupt enable  
bits found in P1IEN (P1) and PICTL (P0 and  
P2) are set to 1. Note that the module interrupt  
flag needs to be cleared prior to clearing the  
CPU interrupt flag.  
In general, setting the appropriate PxSEL bits  
to 1 is required to select peripheral I/O function  
on a digital I/O pin.  
Note that peripheral units have two alternative  
locations for their I/O pins. Please see Table  
The SFRs used for I/O interrupts are  
described in Section 11.5 on Page 58. The  
registers are the following:  
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