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FDC37B72X_07 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: FDC37B72X_07
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内容描述: 128引脚增强型超级I / O控制器,支持ACPI [128 Pin Enhanced Super I/O Controller with ACPI Support]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 238 页 / 816 K
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Detect (nDCD) input. If bit 4 of the MCR is set to  
logic "1", this bit is equivalent to OUT2 in the MCR.  
Bit 0  
Delta Clear To Send (DCTS). Bit 0 indicates that  
the nCTS input to the chip has changed state  
since the last time the MSR was read.  
Bit 1  
Delta Data Set Ready (DDSR). Bit 1 indicates that  
the nDSR input has changed state since the last  
time the MSR was read.  
Address Offset =7H, DLAB =X, READ/WRITE  
This 8 bit read/write register has no effect on the  
operation of the Serial Port. It is intended as a  
scratchpad register to be used by the programmer  
to hold data temporarily.  
Bit 2  
Trailing Edge of Ring Indicator (TERI). Bit 2  
indicates that the nRI input has changed from logic  
"0" to logic "1".  
Bit 3  
The Serial Port contains a programmable Baud  
Rate Generator that is capable of taking any clock  
input (DC to 3 MHz) and dividing it by any divisor  
from 1 to 65535. This output frequency of the  
Baud Rate Generator is 16x the Baud rate. Two 8  
bit latches store the divisor in 16 bit binary format.  
These Divisor Latches must be loaded during  
initialization in order to insure desired operation of  
the Baud Rate Generator. Upon loading either of  
the Divisor Latches, a 16 bit Baud counter is  
immediately loaded. This prevents long counts on  
initial load. If a 0 is loaded into the BRG registers  
the output divides the clock by the number 3. If a  
1 is loaded the output is the inverse of the input  
oscillator. If a two is loaded the output is a divide  
by 2 signal with a 50% duty cycle. If a 3 or greater  
is loaded the output is low for 2 bits and high for  
the remainder of the count. The input clock to the  
BRG is a 1.8462 MHz clock.  
Delta Data Carrier Detect (DDCD). Bit 3 indicates  
that the nDCD input to the chip has changed state.  
Note: Whenever bit 0, 1, 2, or 3 is set to a logic  
"1", a MODEM Status Interrupt is generated.  
Bit 4  
This bit is the complement of the Clear To Send  
(nCTS) input. If bit 4 of the MCR is set to logic "1",  
this bit is equivalent to nRTS in the MCR.  
Bit 5  
This bit is the complement of the Data Set Ready  
(nDSR) input. If bit 4 of the MCR is set to logic  
"1", this bit is equivalent to DTR in the MCR.  
Bit 6  
This bit is the complement of the Ring Indicator  
(nRI) input. If bit 4 of the MCR is set to logic "1",  
this bit is equivalent to OUT1 in the MCR.  
Bit 7  
This bit is the complement of the Data Carrier  
Table 31 shows the baud rates possible with a  
1.8462 MHz crystal.  