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PM49FL004T-33VCE 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM49FL004T-33VCE
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内容描述: 2兆位/ 4兆位3.3伏,只有固件集线器/ LPC闪存 [2 Mbit / 4 Mbit 3.3 Volt-only Firmware Hub/LPC Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存内存集成电路光电二极管PC
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 208 K
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Pm49FL002 / 004  
The Pm49FL002/004 also provide a Toggle Bit feature to  
detect the progress or the completion of a program or  
erase operation. During a program or erase operation,  
an attempt to read data from the devices will result in I/  
O6 toggling between 1and 0. When the program or  
erase operation is complete, I/O6 will stop toggling and  
valid data will be read. Toggle bit may be accessed at  
any time during a program or erase operation.  
The Pm49FL002 contains sixty-four uniform 4 Kbyte sec-  
tors, or sixteen uniform 16 Kbyte blocks (sector group -  
consists of four adjecent sectors). The Pm49FL004 con-  
tains one hundred and twenty-eight uniform 4 Kbyte sec-  
tors, or eight uniform 64 Kbyte blocks (sector group -  
consists of sixteen adjecent sectors). A sector erase  
command is used to erase an individual sector. A block  
erase command is used to erase an individual block.  
See Table 12 - 13 for Sector/Block Address Tables.  
In FWH/LPC mode, an erase operation is activated by  
writing the six-byte command sequence through six con-  
secutive write memory cycles. In A/A Mux mode, an  
erase operation is activated by writing the six-byte com-  
mand in six consecutive bus cycles. Pre-programs the  
sector or block is not required prior to an erase opera-  
Any read, program, or erase operation to the devices  
can be reset by the INIT# or RST# pins. INIT# and RST#  
pins are internally hard-wired and have same function to  
the devices. The INIT# pin is only available in FWH and  
LPC modes. The RST# pin is available in all modes. It  
is required to drive INIT# or RST# pins low during sys-  
tem reset to ensure proper initialization.  
During a memory read operation, pulls low the INIT# or  
RST# pin will reset the devices back to standby mode  
and then the FWH[3:0] of FWH interface or the LAD[3:0]  
of LPC interface will go to high impedance state. During  
a program or erase operation, pulls low the INIT# or RST#  
pin will abort the program or erase operation and reset  
the devices back to standby mode. A reset latency will  
occur before the devices resume to standby mode when  
such reset is performed. When a program or erase op-  
eration is reset before the completion of such opera-  
tion, the memory contents of devices may become  
invalid due to an incomplete program or erase opera-  
The devices provide a Data# Polling feature to indicate  
the progress or the completion of a program or erase  
operation in all modes. During a program operation, an  
attempt to read the device will result in the complement  
of the last loaded data on I/O7. Once the program cycle  
is complete, the true data of the last loaded data is valid  
on all outputs. During an erase operation, an attempt to  
read the device will result a 0on I/O7. After the erase  
cycle is complete, an attempt to read the device will  
result a 1on I/O7.  
Issue Date: December, 2003 Rev: 1.4  
Programmable Microelectronics Corp.  