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PM49FL004T-33VCE 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM49FL004T-33VCE
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内容描述: 2兆位/ 4兆位3.3伏,只有固件集线器/ LPC闪存 [2 Mbit / 4 Mbit 3.3 Volt-only Firmware Hub/LPC Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存内存集成电路光电二极管PC
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 208 K
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Pm49FL002 / 004  
The Pm49FL002/004 provide three levels of data protec-  
tion for the critical BIOS code of PC and Notebook. It  
includes memory hardware write protection, hardware  
data protection and software data protection.  
The devices feature a software data protection function  
to protect the device from an unintentional erase or pro-  
gram operation. It is performed by JEDEC standard Soft-  
ware Data Protection (SDP) command sequences. See  
Table 14 for SDP Command Definition. A program op-  
eration is initiated by three memory write cycles of un-  
lock command sequence. A chip (only available in A/A  
Mux mode), sector or block erase operation is initiated  
by six memory write cycles of unlock command se-  
quence. During SDP command sequence, any invalid  
command or sequence will abort the operation and force  
the device back to standby mode.  
The Pm49FL002 has a 16 Kbyte top boot block and the  
Pm49FL004 has a 64 Kbyte top boot block. When work-  
ing in-system, the memory hardware write protection fea-  
ture can be activated by two control pins - Top Block  
Lock (TBL#) and Write Protection (WP#) for both FWH  
and LPC modes. When TBL# is pulled low (VIL), the boot  
block is hardware write protected. A sector erase, block  
erase, or byte program command attempts to erase or  
program the boot block will be ignored. When WP# is  
pulled low (VIL), the Block 0 ~ Block 14 of Pm49FL002,  
or the Block 0 ~ Block 6 of Pm49FL004 (except the boot  
block) are hardware write protected. Any attemp to erase  
or program a sector or block within this area will be ig-  
In program operation, the data is programmed into the  
devices (to a logical 0) on a byte-by-byte basis. In FWH  
and LPC modes, a program operation is activated by  
writing the three-byte command sequence and program  
address/data through four consecutive memory write  
cycles. In A/A Mux mode, a program operation is acti-  
vated by writing the three-byte command sequence and  
program address/data through four consecutive bus  
cycles. The row address (A10 - A0) is latched on the  
falling edge of R/C# and the column address (A21 - A11)  
is latched on the rising edge of R/C#. The data is latched  
on the rising edge of WE#. Once the program operation  
is started, the internal control logic automatically handles  
the internal programming voltages and timing.  
Both TBL# and WP# pins must be set low (VIL) for pro-  
tection or high (VIH) for un-protection prior to a program  
or erase operation. A logic level change on TBL# or WP#  
pin during a program or erase operation may cause un-  
predictable results.  
The TBL# and WP# pins work in combination with the  
block locking registers. When active, these pins write  
protect the appropriate blocks regardless of the associ-  
ated block locking registers setting.  
A data 0can not be programmed back to a 1. Only  
erase operation can convert 0s to 1s. The Data# Poll-  
ing on I/O7 or Toggle Bit on I/O6 can be used to detect  
when the programming operation is completed in FWH,  
LPC, and A/A Mux modes.  
Hardware data protection protects the devices from un-  
intentional erase or program operation. It is performed  
by the devices automatically in the following three ways:  
(a) VCC Detection: if VCC is below 1.8 V (typical), the  
program and erase functions are inhibited.  
(b) Write Inhibit Mode: holding any of the signal OE#  
low, or WE# high inhibits a write cycle (A/A Mux mode  
The entire memory array can be erased by chip erase  
operation available under the A/A Mux mode operated  
by EPROM Programmer only. Pre-programs the device  
is not required prior to the chip erase operation. Chip  
erase starts immediately after a six-bus-cycle chip erase  
command sequence. All commands will be ignored once  
the chip erase operation has started. The Data# Polling  
on I/O7 or Toggle Bit on I/O6 can be used to detect the  
progress or completion of erase operation. The devices  
will return back to standy mode after the completion of  
chip erase.  
(c) Noise/Glitch Protection: pulses of less than 5 ns (typi-  
cal) on the WE# input will not initiate a write cycle (A/A  
Mux mode only).  
Issue Date: December, 2003 Rev: 1.4  
Programmable Microelectronics Corp.  