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ACE9030MIWFP2Q 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ACE9030MIWFP2Q
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 无线接口和双合成器 [Radio Interface and Twin Synthesiser]
分类和应用: 无线
文件页数/大小: 39 页 / 382 K
 浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第31页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第32页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第33页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第34页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第36页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第37页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第38页浏览型号ACE9030MIWFP2Q的Datasheet PDF文件第39页  
division will be 495 for a 14·85 MHz crystal; the term fCRYSTAL is  
used to refer to the exact crystal frequency in the following  
(fCRYSTAL x 0·03393939) –  
(fCRYSTAL x 58·61818182 – 870·030 MHz).  
Thus Main synthesiser (nominally 915·030 MHz) gener-  
This is 870·030 MHz – fCRYSTAL x 58·58424243 and is the  
difference between two large but similar numbers, one fixed  
andtheotheramultipleoffCRYSTAL andwillhaveanoverallvalue  
fCRYSTAL x 30501 ÷ 495 = fCRYSTAL x 61·61818182  
strongly dependent on fCRYSTAL  
This result is independant of the chosen comparison fre-  
quency which is given above as an illustration only.  
With this drive to the first mixer the actual first I.F.  
(nominally 45 MHz) is:  
To evaluate the sensitivity of the system consider a  
+ 1 ppm change in crystal frequency, giving AFCOUT at  
53·130 kHz instead of its nominal at 54 kHz, a shift of 870 Hz  
or 1·61 %. This frequency can be counted in the  
microcontroller using a timebase derived from fCRYSTAL or any  
other crystal reference as the error in the timebase due to the  
crystal is swamped by the changes in AFCOUT.  
The counting of AFCOUT should be over a period long  
enough to resolve changes of around 1 % which means at  
least 2 ms but is normally a little longer to filter off some noise  
and modulation on the signal; around 10 ms is a good starting  
value for system development.  
fCRYSTAL x 61·61818182 – 870·030 MHz  
The second mixer is required to downconvert 45 MHz to  
450 kHz so needs an LO2 at 44·550 MHz which is 3 fCRYSTAL  
and this integer multiplication is the reason for choosing a  
14·85 MHzcrystal. Thismixeroperateswithlow-sideinjection  
so the actual second I.F. on the AFCIN pin (nominally  
450 kHz) is:  
Once the crystal error has been estimated the DAC’s  
controlling the crystal frequency can be adjusted to bring the  
whole cellular terminal into frequency alignment with the  
basestation which is normally assumed to be very accurately  
held at the correct frequency; effects like Doppler shift will be  
significantly less than 1 ppm for all intended users. Some  
damping in the control loop for the crystal will be needed to  
under-correcting the crystal or by limiting the slew rate of the  
fCRYSTAL x 61·61818182 – 870·030 MHz – 3 fCRYSTAL  
= fCRYSTAL x 58·61818182 – 870·030 MHz  
This signal feeds the F.M. discriminator to extract the  
modulation and is also used to derive the AFC information.  
The AFC mixer uses a 504 kHz clock derived from the  
crystal(fCRYSTAL 504÷14850=fCRYSTAL 0·03393939)tohigh-  
side downconvert AFCIN to a low frequency on AFCOUT,  