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MSP34X2G 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MSP34X2G
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内容描述: 多标准音频处理器系列与杜比定向逻辑 [Multistandard Sound Processor Family with Dolby Surround Pro Logic]
文件页数/大小: 104 页 / 1165 K
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MSP 34x2G  
reference for analog connections to the loudspeaker  
and headphone outputs.  
as possible. This input is sensitive for magnetic induc-  
Pins 27, 28, DACM_R/L – Loudspeaker Outputs  
(Fig. 4–17)  
Pin 39, AHVSUP* – Analog Power Supply High Volt-  
Output of the loudspeaker signal. A 1-nF capacitor to  
AHVSS must be connected to these pins. The DC off-  
set on these pins depends on the selected loud-  
speaker volume.  
Power is supplied via this pin for the analog circuitry of  
the MSP (except IF input). This pin must be connected  
to the +8 V supply.  
Pin 40, CAPL_M – Volume Capacitor Loudspeaker  
(Fig. 4–14)  
Pin 29, DACM_C - Center Output  
(Fig. 4–17)  
A 10-µF capacitor to AHVSUP must be connected to  
this pin. It serves as a smoothing filter for loudspeaker  
volume changes in order to suppress audible plops.  
The value of the capacitor can be lowered to 1 µF if  
faster response is required. The area encircled by the  
trace lines should be minimized; keep traces as short  
as possible. This input is sensitive for magnetic induc-  
Output of the center loudspeaker signal. A 1-nF capac-  
itor to AHVSS must be connected to these pins.  
If active (HP/CS = 1), the DC offset on these pins  
depends on the selected headphone volume.  
Pin 30, DACM_SUB – Subwoofer Output (Fig. 4–17)  
Output of the subwoofer signal. A 1-nF capacitor to  
AHVSS must be connected to this pin. Due to the low  
frequency content of the subwoofer output, the value  
of the capacitor may be increased for better suppres-  
sion of high-frequency noise. The DC offset on this pin  
depends on the selected loudspeaker volume.  
Pins 41, 42, NC – Pins not connected.  
Pins 43, 44, AHVSS* – Ground for Analog Power Sup-  
ply High Voltage  
Ground connection for the analog circuitry of the MSP  
(except IF input).  
Pins 31, DACM_S - Surround Output  
(Fig. 4–17)  
Output of the surround loudspeaker signal. A 1-nF  
capacitor to AHVSS must be connected to these pins.  
If active (HP/CS = 1), the DC offset on these pins  
depends on the selected headphone volume.  
Pin 45, AGNDC – Internal Analog Reference Voltage  
This pin serves as the internal ground connection for  
the analog circuitry (except IF input). It must be con-  
nected to the VREF pins with a 3.3-µF and a 100-nF  
capacitor in parallel. This pins shows a DC level of typ-  
ically 3.73 V.  
Pin 32 NC – Pin not connected.  
Pins 33, 34, SC2_OUT_R/L – SCART2 Outputs  
(Fig. 4–19)  
Pin 46, NC – Pin not connected.  
Output of the SCART2 signal. Connections to these  
pins must use a 100-series resistor and are intended  
to be AC-coupled.  
Pins 47, 48, SC4_IN_L/R – SCART4 Inputs  
(Fig. 4–16)  
The analog input signal for SCART4 is fed to this pin.  
Analog input connection must be AC-coupled.  
Pin 35, VREF1 – Reference Ground 1  
Reference analog ground. This pin must be connected  
separately to the single ground point (AHVSS). VREF1  
serves as a clean ground and should be used as the  
reference for analog connections to the SCART out-  
Pin 49, ASG – Analog Shield Ground  
Analog ground (AHVSS) should be connected to this  
pin to reduce cross-coupling between SCART inputs.  
Pins 50, 51, SC3_IN_L/R – SCART3 Inputs  
(Fig. 4–16)  
Pins 36, 37, SC1_OUT_R/L – SCART1 Outputs  
(Fig. 4–19)  
The analog input signal for SCART3 is fed to this pin.  
Analog input connection must be AC-coupled.  
Output of the SCART1 signal. Connections to these  
pins must use a 100-series resistor and are intended  
to be AC-coupled.  
Pin 52, ASG – Analog Shield Ground  
Analog ground (AHVSS) should be connected to this  
pin to reduce cross-coupling between SCART inputs.  
Pin 38, CAPL_A – Volume Capacitor Headphone  
(Fig. 4–14)  
Pins 53, 54 SC2_IN_L/R – SCART2 Inputs (Fig. 4–16)  
The analog input signal for SCART2 is fed to this pin.  
Analog input connection must be AC-coupled.  
A 10-µF capacitor to AHVSUP must be connected to  
this pin. It serves as a smoothing filter for headphone  
volume changes in order to suppress audible plops.  
The value of the capacitor can be lowered to 1-µF if  
faster response is required. The area encircled by the  
trace lines should be minimized; keep traces as short  
Pin 55, ASG – Analog Shield Ground  
Analog ground (AHVSS) should be connected to this  
pin to reduce cross-coupling between SCART inputs.  