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CAP3001A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CAP3001A
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内容描述: 汽车音响处理器硬件 [Car Audio Processor Hardware]
分类和应用: 汽车音响
文件页数/大小: 37 页 / 461 K
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CAP 3001 A  
2.1.20. The IM Bus Interface of the CAP 3001 A  
buffer size, the unused bits are set to zero in IDBF but  
remain undefined in IABF. For the output: the first bit out-  
put is always the LSB of the IDBF.  
2.1.21. Description of the IM Bus  
The IM-bus consists of three lines for the signals Ident  
(IMIDENT), Clock (IMCLK) and Data (IMDATA). The  
clock frequency range is 50 Hz to 1 MHz. Ident and clock  
are unidirectional from the controller to the slave ICs,  
Data is bidirectional. Bidirectionality is achieved by us-  
ing open-drain outputs with on-resistances of 150 Ohm  
maximum. The2.5kpull-upresistorcommontoallout-  
puts is incorporated in the controller.  
IM Bus  
Data Bus  
The timing of a complete IM-bus transaction is shown in  
Fig. 2–16. In the non-operative state the signals of all  
three bus lines are High. To start a transaction, the con-  
troller sets the ID signal to Low level, indicating an ad-  
dress transmission, sets the CL signal to Low level and  
switches the first bit on the Data line. Then 10 address  
bits are transmitted, beginning with the LSB. Data take-  
over in the slave ICs occurs at the positive edge of the  
clock signal. At the end of the address byte the ID signal  
goesHigh, initiatingtheaddresscomparisonintheslave  
circuits. In the addressed slave the IM-bus interface  
switches over to Data read or write, because these func-  
tions are correlated to the address.  
Fig. 2–14: IM-bus interface  
The buffer part consists of a unidirectional address buff-  
er IABF with a word length of 10 bit and the bidirectional  
data buffer IDBF with a word length of 16 bit. It is only  
possible to write to the address buffer from the peripher-  
al equipment.  
By means of the IM-bus interface it is possible, for exam-  
ple, to alter the filter coefficients of the CAP 3001 A. For  
this purpose the microcomputer writes an address and  
a data word to the appropriate buffers IABF and IDBF.  
The 10-bit address contains an address part of 8 bits  
(bit 9 to bit 2), a read/write bit (bit 0) and an additional  
bit (bit 1) which may be used, for example, for select-  
ing one of the two address counter banks  
In the case of a read operation, a fixed wait period has  
tobeobserved. ThisperiodisdefinedbytheIM-bushan-  
dler in the DSP software. For practical reasons this part  
of the program does not run at the full sampling rate. It  
is recommended to place the IM-bus handler in a “low  
speed” time slice in order to save processing power.  
(Fig. 2–15). Bits 0 and 1 have the following effect:  
ABNK+0 selects address counter bank 1  
ABNK+1 selects address counter bank 2  
For a write operation this wait period does not have to be  
observed, but please note that the maximum rate of IM-  
bus transmissions is normally limited by the DSP soft-  
R/W+0 selects Write, microcomputer wants to write  
R/W+1 selects Read, microcomputer wants to read  
Also controlled by the address the controller now trans-  
mits sixteen clock pulses, and accordingly two Bytes of  
data are written into the addressed IC or read out from  
it, beginning with the LSB. The completion of the bus  
transaction is signalled by a short Low state pulse of the  
ID signal. This initiates the storing of the transferred  
data. A bus transaction may be interrupted for up to  
10 ms.  
Fig. 2–15: Address format  
The following convention is applicable to the data trans-  
or IDBF. If fewer bits are transferred than the respective  