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PC28F00BP30EFA 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PC28F00BP30EFA
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: Numonyx® Axcellâ ?? ¢ P30-65nm闪存 [Numonyx® Axcell™ P30-65nm Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存内存集成电路
文件页数/大小: 86 页 / 11765 K
 浏览型号PC28F00BP30EFA的Datasheet PDF文件第28页浏览型号PC28F00BP30EFA的Datasheet PDF文件第29页浏览型号PC28F00BP30EFA的Datasheet PDF文件第30页浏览型号PC28F00BP30EFA的Datasheet PDF文件第31页浏览型号PC28F00BP30EFA的Datasheet PDF文件第33页浏览型号PC28F00BP30EFA的Datasheet PDF文件第34页浏览型号PC28F00BP30EFA的Datasheet PDF文件第35页浏览型号PC28F00BP30EFA的Datasheet PDF文件第36页  
Figure 9: Block Locking State Diagram  
P G M /E R A S E  
A L L O W E D  
P G M /E R A S E  
P R E V E N T E D  
L K /  
D 0 h  
L K /  
0 1 h  
[0 0 0 ]  
[0 0 1 ]  
P o w e r-U p /  
R e s e t D e fa u lt  
L K /  
2 F h  
W P # = V IL = 0  
[0 1 1 ]  
V irtu a l lo c k -  
d o w n  
[0 1 0 ]  
L o c k e d -d o w n  
A n y L o c k  
c o m m a n d s  
W P # to g g le  
L K /  
D 0 h  
L K /  
0 1 h o r 2 F h  
L o c k e d -d o w n  
is d is a b le d b y  
W P # = V IH  
[1 1 0 ]  
[1 1 1 ]  
W P # = V IH = 1  
L K /  
2 F h  
L K /  
2 F h  
P o w e r-U p /  
R e s e t D e fa u lt  
L K /  
D 0 h  
L K /  
0 1 h  
[1 0 0 ]  
[1 0 1 ]  
Note: LK: Lock Setup Command, 60h; LK/D0h: Unlock Command; LK/01h: Lock Command; LK/2Fh: Lock-Down Command.  
Block Locking During Suspend  
Block lock and unlock changes can be performed during an erase suspend. To change  
block locking during an erase operation, first issue the Erase Suspend command.  
Monitor the Status Register until SR.7 and SR.6 are set, indicating the device is  
suspended and ready to accept another command.  
Next, write the desired lock command sequence to a block, which changes the lock  
state of that block. After completing block lock or unlock operations, resume the erase  
operation using the Erase Resume command.  
A Lock Block Setup command followed by any command other than Lock Block, Unlock  
Block, or Lock-Down Block produces a command sequence error and set Status  
Register bits SR.4 and SR.5. If a command sequence error occurs during an erase  
suspend, SR.4 and SR.5 remains set, even after the erase operation is resumed. Unless  
the Status Register is cleared using the Clear Status Register command before  
resuming the erase operation, possible erase errors may be masked by the command  
sequence error.  
If a block is locked or locked-down during an erase suspend of the same block, the lock  
status bits change immediately. However, the erase operation completes when it is  
resumed. Block lock operations cannot occur during a program suspend. See Appendix  
A, “Write State Machine” on page 81, which shows valid commands during an erase  
Apr 2010  
Order Number: 208042-05  