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JS28F640J3F75A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: JS28F640J3F75A
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内容描述: Numonyx®嵌入式闪存( J3 65 nm)的单细胞每比特( SBC ) [Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)]
分类和应用: 闪存
文件页数/大小: 66 页 / 2203 K
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)  
During programming, STS and the Status Register indicate a busy status (SR.7 = 0).  
Upon completion, STS and the Status Register indicate a ready status (SR.7 = 1). The  
Status Register should be checked for any errors (SR.4), then cleared.  
Issuing the Read Array command to the device while it is actively programming causes  
subsequent reads from the device to output invalid data. Valid array data is output only  
after the program operation has finished.  
Standby power levels are not be realized until the programming operation has finished.  
Also, asserting RP# aborts the programming operation, and array contents at the  
addressed location are indeterminate. The addressed block should be erased, and the  
data re-programmed. If a Single-Word/Byte program is attempted when the  
corresponding block lock-bit is set, SR.1 and SR.4 will be set.  
Buffered Programming  
Buffered programming operations simultaneously program multiple words/bytes into  
the flash memory array, significantly reducing effective word-write/byte-write times.  
User-data is first written to a write buffer, then programmed into the flash memory  
array in buffer-size increments. For additional details, see the flow chart of the  
buffered-programming operation.  
Optimal performance and power consumption is realized by aligning the start address  
on 256-Word boundaries (i.e., A[8:1] = 00000000b). Crossing a 256-Word boundary  
during a buffered programming operation can cause programming time to double.  
To perform a buffered programming operation, first issue the Buffered Program setup  
command at the desired starting address. The read mode of the device/addressed  
partition is automatically changed to Read Status Register mode.  
Polling SR.7 determines write-buffer availability (0 = not available, 1 = available). If  
the write buffer is not available, re-issue the setup command and check SR.7; repeat  
until SR.7 = 1.  
The device defaults to output SR data after the Buffered Programming Setup command  
(E8h) is issued. CE# and OE# must be toggled to update Status Register. Don’t issue  
the Read SR command (70h), which would be interpreted by the internal state machine  
as Buffer Word Count.  
Next, issue the word count at the desired starting address. The word count represents  
the total number of words to be written into the write buffer, minus one. This value can  
range from 00h (one) to a maximum of FFh (256). Exceeding the allowable range  
causes an abort.  
The maximum number of bytes in write buffer on CFI region (offset 2Ah, refer Table 41,  
“Device Geometry Definition” on page 60) is set to 05h (32 bytes) for backward  
compatible reasons. No software change is required on existing applications for both x8  
and x16 mode. Applications can optimize the system performance using the maximum  
of 256 buffer size. Please contact your sales representatives for questions.  
Following the word count, the write buffer is filled with user-data. Subsequent bus-  
write cycles provide addresses and data, up to the word count. All user-data addresses  
must lie between <starting address> and <starting address + word count>, otherwise  
the WSM continues to run as normal but, user may advertently change the content in  
unexpected address locations.  
User-data is programmed into the flash array at the address issued when filling the  
write buffer.  
Jan 2011  