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PIC18F4431-I/P 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC18F4431-I/P
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内容描述: 28 /40/ 44引脚增强型闪存微控制器采用纳瓦技术,高性能PWM和A / D [28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology, High-Performance PWM and A/D]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 392 页 / 3127 K
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Break and Sync Transmit Sequence  
The Enhanced USART module has the capability of  
sending the special Break character sequences that  
are required by the LIN/J2602 bus standard. The Break  
character transmit consists of a Start bit, followed by  
twelve ‘0’ bits and a Stop bit. The Frame Break charac-  
ter is sent whenever the SENDB and TXEN bits  
(TXSTA<3> and TXSTA<5>) are set while the Transmit  
Shift register is loaded with data. Note that the value of  
data written to TXREG will be ignored and all ‘0’s will  
be transmitted.  
The following sequence will send a message frame  
header made up of a Break, followed by an Auto-Baud  
Sync byte. This sequence is typical of a LIN/J2602 bus  
1. Configure the EUSART for the desired mode.  
2. Set the TXEN and SENDB bits to setup the  
Break character.  
3. Load the TXREG with a dummy character to  
initiate transmission (the value is ignored).  
4. Write ‘55h’ to TXREG to load the Sync character  
into the transmit FIFO buffer.  
The SENDB bit is automatically reset by hardware after  
the corresponding Stop bit is sent. This allows the user  
to preload the transmit FIFO with the next transmit byte  
following the Break character (typically, the Sync  
character in the LIN/J2602 specification).  
5. After the Break has been sent, the SENDB bit is  
reset by hardware. The Sync character now  
transmits in the preconfigured mode.  
When the TXREG becomes empty, as indicated by the  
TXIF, the next data byte can be written to TXREG.  
Note that the data value written to the TXREG for the  
Break character is ignored. The write simply serves the  
purpose of initiating the proper sequence.  
The TRMT bit indicates when the transmit operation is  
active or Idle, just as it does during normal transmis-  
sion. See Figure 20-9 for the timing of the Break  
character sequence.  
The Enhanced USART module can receive a Break  
character in two ways.  
The first method forces configuration of the baud rate  
at a frequency of 9/13 of the typical speed. This allows  
for the Stop bit transition to be at the correct sampling  
location (13 bits for Break versus Start bit and 8 data  
bits for typical data).  
The second method uses the auto-wake-up feature  
described in Section 20.3.4 “Auto-Wake-up on Sync  
Break Character”. By enabling this feature, the  
EUSART will sample the next two transitions on RX/DT,  
cause an RCIF interrupt and receive the next data byte  
followed by another interrupt.  
Note that following a Break character, the user will  
typically want to enable the Auto-Baud Rate Detect  
feature. For both methods, the user can set the ABD bit  
before placing the EUSART in its Sleep mode.  
FIGURE 20-9:  
Write to TXREG  
Dummy Write  
BRG Output  
(Shift Clock)  
Start Bit  
TX (Pin)  
Bit 0  
Bit 1  
Bit 11  
Stop Bit  
TXIF bit  
(Interrupt Reg. Flag)  
TRMT bit  
(Transmit Shift  
Reg. Empty Flag)  
SENDB sampled here  
(Transmit Shift  
Reg. Empty Flag)  
DS39616D-page 232  
2010 Microchip Technology Inc.  