Instruction: TBLWT*
Program Memory
Holding Registers
Table Pointer
Table Latch (8-bit)
Program Memory
Note 1: Table Pointer actually points to one of eight holding registers, the address of which is determined by
TBLPTRL<2:0>. The process for physically writing data to the program memory array is discussed in
Section 6.5 “Writing to Flash Program Memory”.
The WREN bit enables and disables erase and write
operations. When set, erase and write operations are
allowed. When clear, erase and write operations are
disabled – the WR bit cannot be set while the WREN bit
is clear. This process helps to prevent accidental writes
to memory due to errant (unexpected) code execution.
Control Registers
Several control registers are used in conjunction with
the TBLRDand TBLWTinstructions. These include the:
• EECON1 register
• EECON2 register
• TABLAT register
• TBLPTR registers
Firmware should keep the WREN bit clear at all times
except when starting erase or write operations. Once
firmware has set the WR bit, the WREN bit may be
cleared. Clearing the WREN bit will not affect the
operation in progress.
EECON1 is the control register for memory accesses.
The WRERR bit is set when a write operation is inter-
rupted by a Reset. In these situations, the user can
check the WRERR bit and rewrite the location. It will be
necessary to reload the data and address registers
(EEDATA and EEADR) as these registers have cleared
as a result of the Reset.
EECON2 is not a physical register. Reading EECON2
will read all ‘0’s. The EECON2 register is used
exclusively in the memory write and erase sequences.
Control bit, EEPGD, determines if the access will be to
program or data EEPROM memory. When clear,
operations will access the data EEPROM memory.
When set, program memory is accessed.
Control bits, RD and WR, start read and erase/write
operations, respectively. These bits are set by firmware
and cleared by hardware at the completion of the
Control bit, CFGS, determines if the access will be to
the configuration registers or to program memory/data
EEPROM memory. When set, subsequent operations
access configuration registers. When CFGS is clear,
the EEPGD bit selects either program Flash or data
EEPROM memory.
The RD bit cannot be set when accessing program
memory (EEPGD = 1). Program memory is read using
table read instructions. See Section 6.3 “Reading the
Flash Program Memory” regarding table reads.
The FREE bit controls program memory erase opera-
tions. When the FREE bit is set, the erase operation is
initiated on the next WR command. When FREE is
clear, only writes are enabled.
Interrupt flag bit, EEIF in the PIR2 register,
is set when the write is complete. It must
be cleared in software.
DS39599C-page 72
2003 Microchip Technology Inc.