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PIC16F685-I/SS 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC16F685-I/SS
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内容描述: 20引脚基于闪存的8位CMOS微控制器采用纳瓦技术 [20-Pin Flash-Based, 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 294 页 / 5272 K
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13.13 Master Mode  
13.14 Multi-Master Mode  
Master mode of operation is supported in firmware  
using interrupt generation on the detection of the Start  
and Stop conditions. The Stop (P) and Start (S) bits are  
cleared from a Reset or when the SSP module is  
disabled. The Stop (P) and Start (S) bits will toggle  
based on the Start and Stop conditions. Control of the  
I2C bus may be taken when the P bit is set or the bus  
is idle and both the S and P bits are clear.  
In Multi-Master mode, the interrupt generation on the  
detection of the Start and Stop conditions, allows the  
determination of when the bus is free. The Stop (P) and  
Start (S) bits are cleared from a Reset or when the SSP  
module is disabled. The Stop (P) and Start (S) bits will  
toggle based on the Start and Stop conditions. Control  
of the I2C bus may be taken when bit P (SSPSTAT<4>)  
is set, or the bus is idle and both the S and P bits clear.  
When the bus is busy, enabling the SSP Interrupt will  
generate the interrupt when the Stop condition occurs.  
In Master mode, the SCL and SDA lines are  
TRISB<6,4> bit(s). The output level is always low,  
irrespective of the value(s) in PORTB<6,4>. So when  
transmitting data, a ‘1’ data bit must have the  
TRISB<4> bit set (input) and a ‘0’ data bit must have  
the TRISB<4> bit cleared (output). The same scenario  
is true for the SCL line with the TRISB<6> bit. Pull-up  
resistors must be provided externally to the SCL and  
SDA pins for proper operation of the I2C module.  
In Multi-Master operation, the SDA line must be  
monitored to see if the signal level is the expected  
output level. This check only needs to be done when a  
high level is output. If a high level is expected and a low  
level is present, the device needs to release the SDA  
and SCL lines (set TRISB<6,4>). There are two stages  
where this arbitration can be lost, these are:  
• Address Transfer  
• Data Transfer  
The following events will cause the SSP Interrupt Flag  
bit, SSPIF, to be set (SSP Interrupt will occur if  
When the slave logic is enabled, the slave continues to  
receive. If arbitration was lost during the address  
transfer stage, communication to the device may be in  
progress. If addressed, an ACK pulse will be generated.  
If arbitration was lost during the data transfer stage, the  
device will need to re-transfer the data at a later time.  
• Start condition  
• Stop condition  
• Data transfer byte transmitted/received  
Master mode of operation can be done with either the  
Slave mode idle (SSPM<3:0> = 1011), or with the  
Slave active. When both Master and Slave modes are  
enabled, the software needs to differentiate the  
source(s) of the interrupt.  
When the CKP bit is cleared, the SCL output is forced  
to ‘0’; however, setting the CKP bit will not assert the  
SCL output low until the SCL output is already sampled  
low. Therefore, the CKP bit will not assert the SCL line  
until an external I2C master device has already  
asserted the SCL line. The SCL output will remain low  
until the CKP bit is set and all other devices on the I2C  
bus have deasserted SCL. This ensures that a write to  
the CKP bit will not violate the minimum high time  
requirement for SCL (see Figure 13-12).  
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.  
DS41262D-page 191  