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24LC65-I/SM 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 24LC65-I/SM
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 64K 1.8V I2C串行智能Ø EEPROM [64K 1.8V I2C Smart Serial O EEPROM]
分类和应用: 存储内存集成电路光电二极管PC可编程只读存储器电动程控只读存储器电可擦编程只读存储器时钟
文件页数/大小: 24 页 / 285 K
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acknowledge the second, and then send a Stop bit to  
end the sequence. The upper four bits of both of these  
bytes will always be read as ‘1’s. The lower four bits of  
the first byte contains the starting secure block. The  
lower four bits of the second byte contains the number  
of secure blocks. The default starting secure block is  
fifteen and the default number of secure blocks is zero  
(Figure 8-1).  
Security Options  
The 24XX65 has a sophisticated mechanism for write  
protecting portions of the array. This write-protect  
function is programmable and allows the user to protect  
0-15 contiguous 4K blocks. The user sets the security  
option by sending to the device the starting block  
number for the protected region and the number of  
blocks to be protected. All parts will come from the  
factory in the default configuration with the starting  
block number set to 15 and the number of protected  
blocks set to zero. THE SECURITY OPTION CAN BE  
Since the device will not acknowledge during a write  
cycle, this can be used to determine when the cycle is  
complete (this feature can be used to maximize bus  
throughput). Once the Stop condition for a Write  
command has been issued from the master, the device  
initiates the internally timed write cycle. ACK polling  
can be initiated immediately. This involves the master  
sending a Start condition followed by the control byte  
for a Write command (R/W = 0). If the device is still  
busy with the write cycle, then no ACK will be returned.  
If the cycle is complete, then the device will return the  
ACK and the master can then proceed with the next  
Read or Write command. See Figure 6-1 for flow  
To invoke the security option, a Write command is sent  
to the device with the leading bit (bit 7) of the first  
address byte set to a ‘1’ (Figure 8-1). Bits 1-4 of the first  
address byte define the starting block number for the  
protected region.  
For example, if the starting block number is to be set to  
5, the first address byte would be 1XX0101X. Bits 0, 5  
and 6 of the first address byte are disregarded by the  
device and can be either high or low. The device will  
acknowledge after the first address byte. A byte of don’t  
care bits is then sent by the master, with the device  
acknowledging afterwards. The third byte sent to the  
device has bit 7 (S/HE) set high and bit 6 (R) set low.  
Bits 4 and 5 are don’t cares and bits 0-3 define the  
number of blocks to be write-protected. For example, if  
three blocks are to be protected, the third byte would be  
10XX0011. After the third byte is sent to the device, it  
will acknowledge and a Stop bit is then sent by the mas-  
ter to complete the command.  
FIGURE 6-1:  
Write Command  
If one of the security blocks coincides with the high  
endurance block, the high endurance setting will take  
precedence. Also, if the range of the security blocks  
encompass the high endurance block when the secu-  
rity option is set, the security block range will be set  
accordingly, but the high endurance block will continue  
to retain the high endurance setting. As a result, the  
memory blocks preceding the high endurance block will  
be set as secure sections.  
Send Stop  
Condition to  
Initiate Write Cycle  
Send Start  
During a normal write sequence, if an attempt is made  
to write to a protected address, no data will be written  
and the device will not report an error or abort the  
command. If a Write command is attempted across a  
secure boundary, unprotected addresses will be written  
and protected addresses will not.  
Send Control Byte  
with R/W = 0  
Did Device  
(ACK = 0)?  
Security Configuration Read  
The status of the secure portion of memory can be read  
by using the same technique as programming this  
option except the read bit (bit 6) of the configuration  
byte is set to a one. After the configuration byte is sent,  
the device will acknowledge and then send two bytes of  
data to the master just as in a normal read sequence.  
The master must acknowledge the first byte and not  
DS21073J-page 10  
2003 Microchip Technology Inc.  