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B1505A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: B1505A
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内容描述: [Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer]
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 1981 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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41 | Keysight | B1505A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer - Data Sheet  
Delay time:  
Bias hold function  
List display  
0 to 65.535 s, 100 μs resolution  
0 to 655.35 s, 100 μs resolution  
(CV (AC level) sweep, C-f sweep)  
Step delay time:  
0 to 1 s, 100 μs resolution  
Step output trigger delay time:  
0 to (delay time) s, 100 μs  
This function allows you to keep a source  
active between measurements. The  
source module will apply the specified  
bias between measurements when run-  
ning classic tests inside an application  
test, in quick test mode, or during a  
repeated measurement. The function  
ceases as soon as these conditions end  
or when a measurement that does not  
use this function  
Measurement data and calculated user  
function data are listed in conjunction  
with sweep step number or time domain  
sampling step number. Up to 20 data  
sets can be displayed.  
Data variable display  
Up to 20 user-defined parameters can be  
displayed on the  
Step measurement trigger delay time:  
0 to 65.535 s, 100 μs resolution  
graphics screen.  
is started.  
Current offset cancel  
Automatic analysis function  
On a graphics plot, the markers  
Sampling (time domain) mea-  
This function subtracts the offset cur-  
rent from the current measurement  
raw data, and returns the result as the  
measurement data. This function is used  
to compensate the error factor (offset  
current) caused by the measurement  
path such as the measurement cables,  
manipulators, or probe card.  
Time stamp  
The B1505A supports a time stamp  
function utilizing an internal  
quartz clock.  
Resolution: 100 μs  
and lines can be automatically located  
using the auto analysis setup. Parameters  
can be automatically determined using  
automatic analysis, user function, and read  
out functions.  
Displays the time sampled voltage/current  
data (by SMU) versus time.  
Sampling channels: Up to 10  
Sampling mode: Linear, logarithmic (log)  
Sampling points:  
For linear sampling:  
1 to 100,001/(number of channels)  
For log sampling:  
1 to 1+ (number of data for 11  
Sampling interval range:  
Analysis functions  
Up to 20 user-defined analysis func-  
tions can be defined using arithmetic  
expressions. Measured data, pre-defined  
variables, and read out functions can be  
used in the computation. The results can  
be displayed on the LCD.  
100 μs to 2 ms, 10 μs resolution  
2 ms to 65.535 s, 1 ms resolution  
For < 2 ms, the interval is ≥ 100 μs  
+20 μs x (num. of channels – 1)  
Hold time, initial wait time:  
-90 ms to -100 μs, 100 μs resolution  
0 to 655.35 s, 10 ms resolution  
Measurement time resolution: 100 μs  
Data display, analysis and arith-  
metic functions  
Read out functions  
The read out functions are built-in func-  
tions for reading various values related to  
the marker, cursor, or line.  
Data Display  
X-Y graph plot  
X-axis and up to eight Y-axes, linear and  
log scale, real time graph plotting. X-Y  
graph plot can be printed or stored as  
image data to clip board or mass storage  
device. (File type: bmp, gif, png, emf)  
Auto scale and zoom  
Marker to min/max, interpolation, direct  
marker, and marker skip  
Direct cursor  
Two lines, normal mode, grad mode,  
tangent mode, and  
regression mode.  
Arithmetic functions  
User functions  
Up to 20 user-defined functions can be  
defined using arithmetic expressions.  
Measured data and pre-defined variables  
can be used in the computation. The  
results can be displayed on the LCD.  
Other measurement  
Measurement control  
Single, repeat, append, and stop  
SMU setting capabilities  
Limited auto ranging, voltage/current  
compliance, power compliance, auto-  
matic sweep abort functions, self-test,  
and self-calibration  
Arithmetic operators  
+, -, *, /, ^, abs (absolute value),  
at (arc tangent), avg (averaging), cond  
(conditional evaluation), delta, diff  
(differential), exp (exponent), integ  
(integration), lgt (logarithm, base 10),  
log (logarithm, base e), mavg (moving  
average), max, min, sqrt, trigonometric  
function, inverse trigonometric function,  
and so on.  
Standby mode  
SMUs in “Standby” remain programmed  
to their specified output value even as  
other units are reset for the next mea-  
Overlay graph comparison:  
Graphical plots can be overlaid.  
1. In case of some supplemental characteristics, humidity range is defined as 20% to 50% RH  