Spread Spectrum Support
The AMB PLL will support Spread Spectrum Clocking (SSC). SSC is a frequency
modulation technique for EMI reduction. Instead of maintaining a constant frequency,
SSC modulates the clock frequency/period along a modulation profile.The AMB is
designed to support a nominal modulation frequency of 30-33 kHz with a downspread
of 0.5%.
See the High Speed Differential Point-to-Point Link at 1.5 V for Fully Buffered DIMM
Specification and the Circuit Architecture Specifications for the DDR, FBD and PLL
custom I/Os for more details.
Frequency of Operation
The PLL’s support a range of operation that exceeds the AMB’s functional range. This
allows the AMB to be tested at a higher frequency than the maximum specification to
provide test guardband. Lower frequencies are supported to allow system debug. The
PLL will also operate with the REFCLK at 100 MHz during transparent mode testing.
The externally generated RESET# signal indicates when the core voltage is up and
reference clocks are stable. The core will use an asserted RESET# to asynchronously
put the AMB in reset, and to hold the AMB in reset. For details see the reset chapter.
External clocks dependent on PLL’s are DDR clocks and strobes, and SMBus clock.
Other PLL Characteristics
The PLL VCOs oscillate continually from power-up. At all other times, PLL output
dividers track the VCO, providing pulses to the clock trees. Logic that does not receive
an asynchronous reset can thus be reset “synchronously”.
A “locked” PLL will only serve to prove that the feedback loop is continuous. It will not
prove that the entire clock tree is continuous. The PLL is disabled for leakage test.
Intel® 6400/6402 Advanced Memory Buffer Datasheet