9 Reset
This chapter describes aspects of hardware reset specific to the Intel 6400/6402
Advanced Memory Buffer (AMB).
Platform Reset Functionality
The FBD channel provides a RESET# signal to initialize all AMBs on the channel. The
generation of this signal is platform dependent, and may be asynchronous to the clock.
The platform will assert RESET# at power up. This signal may be asserted at other
times, such as a warm boot.
It is possible that platform conditions cause RESET# to be asserted at any time,
including in the middle of DRAM commands. This could occur during a warm boot.
Under these conditions, the AMB will be reset and the contents of memory are not
guaranteed. The state of the DRAMs must be guaranteed when reinitialized for proper
Platform RESET# Requirements
• RESET# must be asserted at power up, and may also be asserted at other times
such as a warm boot. Asserting RESET# at warm boot will clear all error logging
registers.Asserting RESET# only at power up will allow error logging registers to be
maintained through a warm boot cycle.
• Asserting RESET# at warm boot will clear all error logging registers.
There is no need to delay or lockout RESET# going to the FBD channel since the AMB
will guarantee that the tDelay parameter is met. Reference Clocks must remain stable
for at least 4 clock cycles after RESET# is asserted in order to allow the AMB to satisfy
the tDelay requirement.
• RESET# must be asserted during power up, and for a minimum of 1 mS after the
FBD channel power and reference clocks SCK/SCK are stable.
• RESET# must be asserted for a minimum of 100 uS. This will only apply if RESET#
is re-asserted while power and clocks remain stable.
• After initial power on, if the reference clock frequency is changed while Reset is
asserted, reset must not be deasserted until power and reference clocks SCK/SCK
have been stable for at least 1 ms.
RESET# Requirements
RESET# is asynchronously applied to all storage elements. Assertion of RESET# does
not effect AMB PLL operation. Internal clocks continue to run.
Upon assertion of RESET#:
• DRAM CKE is driven low asynchronously with minimal delay (within 1 clock, asynch
path from reset to CKE).
• DRAM CLK/CLK continue to run with no short pulses generated within the tDelay
period specified in JEDEC ballot 1410.01.
• DRAM CLK/CLK may be stopped after the tDelay has been satisfied.
Intel® 6400/6402 Advanced Memory Buffer Datasheet