Smart Low-Side Power Switch
Protection Functions
Over temperature shut-down with automatic-restart
Active clamp over voltage protection
Current limitation
Detailed Description
The device is able to switch all kind of resistive, inductive and capacitive loads, limited by maximum clamping
energy and maximum current capabilities.
The BTS3080TF offers ESD protection on the IN pin which refers to the Source pin (Ground).
The over temperature protection prevents the device from overheating due to overload and/or bad cooling
conditions. The temperature information is given by a temperature sensor in the power MOSFET.
The BTS3080TF has an auto-restart thermal shut-down function. The device will turn on again, if input is still
high, after the measured temperature has dropped below the thermal hysteresis.
The over voltage protection can be activated during load dump or inductive turn off conditions. The power
MOSFET is limiting the drain-source voltage, if it rises above the VOUT(CLAMP).
Rev. 1.0