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IC-MLEVALML1D 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 霍尔位置传感器/编码器 [HALL Position Sensor / Encoder]
分类和应用: 传感器编码器
文件页数/大小: 17 页 / 327 K
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HALL Position Sensor / Encoder  
Rev A3, Page 2/17  
The CMOS device iC-ML consists of four hall sen- is output via an incremental interface in a number  
sors arranged in a line and optimized to read out of selectable resolutions. The zero position of each  
magnetic tapes with 2.56 mm pole spacing. This periode is indicated by an index pulse. The maxi-  
sensor array permits error-tolerant adjustment of the mum resolution of 8-bit is maintained up to travelling  
magnetic tape, reducing assembly efforts. The inte- speeds of 5 m/s.  
grated signal conditioning unit provides a differential  
sine/cosine signal at the output.  
The absolute position within a magnetic periode can  
be converted back to a linear analog output signal  
The sensor generates one sine/cosine cycle for each using the internal D/A converter; here, output volt-  
full magnetic periode of 5.12 mm, enabling the trav- age limits can be set as required using the external  
elling distance to be clearly determined. At the same pins. Either a periodic linear signal (sawtooth) or a  
time the internal amplitude control unit produces an delta voltage (triangle) can be provided. iC-ML can  
regulated output amplitude of 2 Vpp regardless of be easily cascaded in three different modes of chain  
variations in the magnetic field strength, supply volt- operation so that several axes of transistion can be  
age and temperature. Furthermore, signals are pro- scanned. The linear positions of the individual axes  
vided which enable the sensor amplitude to be as- can then be read via a common bus.  
sessed and also report any magnetic tape loss.  
Used in conjunction with a magnetic tape iC-ML can  
With the aid of the integrated 8-bit sine/digital con- act as an linear encoder system with an integrated  
verter the travelling distance within a magnetic peri- magnetic scanning feature.  
ode is determined from the sine/cosine signals. This  
No. Name Function  
1 T0  
Test Pin (connect to GND)  
2 NEN Enable Input, low active  
3 n.c.  
4 GND Ground  
5 n.c.  
6 CFG2 Configuration Input 2  
7 B  
8 n.c.  
9 A  
Bidirectional Input/Output B  
Bidirectional Input/Output A  
10 n.c.  
11 VTC Test Pin (do not connect)  
12 D  
Bidirectional Input/Output D  
13 n.c.  
14 C  
Bidirectional Input/Output C  
15 CFG3 Configuration Input 3  
16 n.c.  
17 VDD +5 V Supply Voltage  
18 n.c.  
19 CFG1 Configuration Input 1  
20 VTS Test Pin (do not connect)  