IBM Packet Routing Switch Serial Interface Converter
3.4 Packet Buffering
3.4.1 X and Y Path Receive FIFO (RXFIFO)
The RXFIFO block:
• Writes the data coming from the ingress formatter (clocked on the PE clock (URXCLK)) to the FIFO
• Reads the data from FIFO to the X and Y paths to the ingress DASL interface (IDI) block, clocked on the
X/Y path clock (accounting for the size of the packet in steps of four bytes)
• Detects and reports a FIFO almost full event, whose threshold is programmable through configuration
• Depending upon the configuration table, it either de-asserts RXENB (if it is in use), or de-grants Shared
Memory priority 0 (highest) to create room in the RXFIFO when there is an indication of FIFO almost full.
The FIFO is 256 bytes wide, or three 80-bytes packets. A 3-packet buffer temporarily stores incoming data
packets, thereby allowing the insertion of a yellow packet without requiring any link level flow control. This
absorbs any clock difference between the PE and the switch
3.4.2 X/Y Path Transmit FIFO (TXFIFO)
The X and Y path TXFIFO block:
• Writes the data coming from the X or Y path TX EXTRACTION BLOCK, as clocked on DASL_X_CLK or
DASL_Y_CLK respectively, to the FIFO
• Reads the data from the FIFO to the path selection block, clocked on UTXCLK (PE clock)
• Detects and reports a FIFO almost full event, whose threshold is programmable
• Detects and reports a FIFO not empty, whose threshold is programmable
• Stops its data flow when the path selection block decides
Data packets are never written in the unused path’s FIFO.
When the FIFO is almost full, send grant to the switch is de-asserted.
The FIFO is 480 bytes wide, i.e. six 80-bytes packets. Six packets of buffer in the TX FIFO take into account
the switch’s latency in reacting to the send grant (three packets in the worst case). This is true when asserting
or de-asserting send grant.
3.5 Path Selection Block
This block selects the X or Y FIFO depending on the switch control’s X_inService or Y_inService inputs. Only
the selected path’s TXFIFO is filled with packets, the other one is empty. Switching from one plane to the
other is done on a packet boundary. However, there can be duplicated or missing packets.
Functional Description
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March 1, 2001