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GS1561-CFE3 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: GS1561-CFE3
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内容描述: GS1560A / GS1561 HD - LINX -R II双率解串器 [GS1560A/GS1561 HD-LINX-R II Dual-Rate Deserializer]
分类和应用: 存储静态存储器
文件页数/大小: 80 页 / 1307 K
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GS1560A/GS1561 Data Sheet  
3.2 Serial Digital Input  
The GS1560A/GS1561 contains two current mode differential serial digital input  
buffers, allowing the device to be connected to two SMPTE 259M-C or 292M  
compliant input signals.  
Both input buffers have internal 50Ω termination resistors which are connected to  
ground via the TERM1 and TERM2 pins. The input common mode level is set by  
internal biasing resistors such that the serial digital input signals must be AC  
coupled into the device. Gennum recommends using a capacitor value of 4.7uF to  
accommodate pathological signals.  
The input buffers use a separate power supply of +1.8V DC supplied via the  
3.2.1 Input Signal Selection  
A 2x1 input multiplexer is provided to allow the application layer to select between  
the two serial digital input streams using a single external pin. When IP_SEL is set  
HIGH, serial digital input 1 (DDI1 / DDI1) is selected as the input to the  
GS1560A/GS1561's reclocker stage. When IP_SEL is set LOW, serial digital input  
2 (DDI2 / DDI2) is selected.  
3.2.2 Carrier Detect Input  
For each of the differential inputs, an associated carrier detect input signal is  
included, (CD1 and CD2). These signals are generated by Gennum's family of  
automatic cable equalizers.  
When LOW, CDx indicates that a valid serial digital data stream is being delivered  
to the GS1560A/GS1561 by the equalizer. When HIGH, the serial digital input to  
the device should be considered invalid. If no equalizer precedes the device, the  
application layer should set CD1 and CD2 accordingly.  
NOTE: If the GS1524 Automatic Cable Equalizer is used, the MUTE/CD output  
signal from that device must be translated to TTL levels before passing to the  
GS1560A/GS1561 CDx inputs. See GS1560A Typical Application Circuit (Part A)  
on page 73 for a recommended transistor network that will set the correct voltage  
A 2x1 input multiplexer is also provided for these signals. The internal  
carrier_detect signal is determined by the setting of the IP_SEL pin and is used by  
the lock detect block of the GS1560A/GS1561 to determine the lock status of the  
device, (see Lock Detect on page 35).  
3.2.3 Single Input Configuration  
If the application requires a single differential input, the second set of inputs may  
be left unconnected. Tie the associated carrier detect pin HIGH, and leave the  
termination pin unconnected.  
27360 - 8 September 2005  
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