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MBM29LV400TC-70PFTN 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MBM29LV400TC-70PFTN
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内容描述: 4M ( 512K ×8 / 256K ×16 )位 [4M (512K X 8/256K X 16) BIT]
分类和应用: 闪存存储内存集成电路光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 58 页 / 560 K
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Autoselect Command  
Flash memories are intended for use in applications where the local CPU alters memory contents. As such,  
manufacture and device codes must be accessible while the devices reside in the target system. PROM  
programmers typically access the signature codes by raising A9 to a high voltage. However, multiplexing high  
voltage onto the address lines is not generally desired system design practice.  
The device contains an Autoselect command operation to supplement traditional PROM programming  
methodology. The operation is initiated by writing the Autoselect command sequence into the command register.  
Following the command write, a read cycle from address XX00H retrieves the manufacture code of 04H. A read  
cycle from address XX01H for ×16(XX02H for ×8) returns the device code (MBM29LV400TC = B9H and  
MBM29LV400BC = BAH for ×8 mode; MBM29LV400TC = 22B9H and MBM29LV400BC = 22BAH for ×16 mode).  
(See Tables 4.1 and 4.2.) All manufacturer and device codes will exhibit odd parity with DQ7 defined as the parity  
bit. Sector state (protection or unprotection) will be informed by address XX02H for ×16 (XX04H for ×8).  
Scanning the sector addresses (A17, A16, A15, A14, A13, and A12) while (A6, A1, A0) = (0, 1, 0) will produce a logical  
“1” at device output DQ0 for a protected sector. The programming verification should be perform margin mode  
on the protected sector. (See Tables 2 and 3.)  
To terminate the operation, it is necessary to write the Read/Reset command sequence into the register, and  
also to write the Autoselect command during the operation, execute it after writing Read/Reset command  
Byte/Word Programming  
The devices are programmed on a byte-by-byte (or word-by-word) basis. Programming is a four bus cycle  
operation. There are two “unlock” write cycles. These are followed by the program set-up command and data  
write cycles. Addresses are latched on the falling edge of CE or WE, whichever happens later and the data is  
latched on the rising edge of CE or WE, whichever happens first. The rising edge of CE or WE (whichever  
happens first) begins programming. Upon executing the Embedded Program Algorithm command sequence,  
the system is not required to provide further controls or timings. The device will automatically provide adequate  
internally generated program pulses and verify the programmed cell margin.  
The automatic programming operation is completed when the data on DQ7 is equivalent to data written to this  
bitatwhichtimethedevicesreturntothereadmodeandaddressesarenolongerlatched. (SeeTable9, Hardware  
Sequence Flags.) Therefore, the devices require that a valid address to the devices be supplied by the system  
at this particular instance of time. Hence, Data Polling must be performed at the memory location which is being  
Any commands written to the chip during this period will be ignored. If hardware reset occurs during the  
programming operation, it is impossible to guarantee the data are being written.  
Programming is allowed in any sequence and across sector boundaries. Beware that a data “0” cannot be  
programmed back to a “1”. Attempting to do so may either hang up the device or result in an apparent success  
according to the data polling algorithm but a read from read/reset mode will show that the data is still “0”. Only  
erase operations can convert “0”s to “1”s.  
Figure 20 illustrates the Embedded ProgramTM Algorithm using typical command strings and bus operations.  