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MBM29LV400TC-70PFTN 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MBM29LV400TC-70PFTN
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内容描述: 4M ( 512K ×8 / 256K ×16 )位 [4M (512K X 8/256K X 16) BIT]
分类和应用: 闪存存储内存集成电路光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 58 页 / 560 K
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Extended Command  
(1) Fast Mode  
MBM29LV400TC/BC has Fast Mode function. This mode dispenses with the initial two unclock cycles  
required in the standard program command sequence by writing Fast Mode command into the command  
register. In this mode, the required bus cycle for programming is two cycles instead of four bus cycles in  
standardprogramcommand. (Donotwriteerasecommandinthismode.)Thereadoperationisalsoexecuted  
afterexitingthismode. Toexitthismode, itisnecessarytowriteFastModeResetcommandintothecommand  
register. (Refer to the Figure 27 Extended algorithm.) The VCC active current is required even CE = VIH during  
Fast Mode.  
(2) Fast Programming  
During Fast Mode, the programming can be executed with two bus cycles operation. The Embedded Program  
Algorithm is executed by writing program set-up command (A0H) and data write cycles (PA/PD). (Refer to  
the Figure 27 Extended algorithm.)  
(3) Extended Sector Protection  
Inadditiontonormalsectorprotection, theMBM29LV400TC/BChasExtendedSectorProtectionasextended  
function. This function enable to protect sector by forcing VID on RESET pin and write a commnad sequence.  
Unlike conventional procedure, it is not necessary to force VID and control timing for control pins. The only  
RESET pinrequiresVID forsectorprotectioninthismode. TheextendedsectorprotectrequiresVID onRESET  
pin. With this condition, the operation is initiated by writing the set-up command (60H) into the command  
register. Then, the sector addresses pins (A17, A16, A15, A14, A13 and A12) and (A6, A1, A0) = (0, 1, 0) should  
be set to the sector to be protected (recommend to set VIL for the other addresses pins), and write extended  
sector protect command (60H). A sector is typically protected in 150 µs. To verify programming of the  
protection circuitry, the sector addresses pins (A17, A16, A15, A14, A13 and A12) and (A6, A1, A0) = (0, 1, 0) should  
be set and write a command (40H). Following the command write, a logical “1” at device output DQ0 will  
produce for protected sector in the read operation. If the output data is logical “0”, please repeat to write  
extended sector protect command (60H) again. To terminate the operation, it is necessary to set RESET  
pin to VIH.  