Interrupt Module (S12SINTV1)
If the interrupt source is unknown (for example, in the case where an interrupt request becomes inactive
after the interrupt has been recognized, but prior to the CPU vector request), the vector address supplied
to the CPU will default to that of the spurious interrupt vector.
Care must be taken to ensure that all interrupt requests remain active until
the system begins execution of the applicable service routine; otherwise, the
exception request may not get processed at all or the result may be a
spurious interrupt request (vector at address (vector base + 0x0080)).
Reset Exception Requests
The INT module supports three system reset exception request types (please refer to the Clock and Reset
generator module for details):
1. Pin reset, power-on reset or illegal address reset, low voltage reset (if applicable)
2. Clock monitor reset request
3. COP watchdog reset request
Exception Priority
The priority (from highest to lowest) and address of all exception vectors issued by the INT module upon
request by the CPU is shown in Table 4-4.
Table 4-4. Exception Vector Map and Priority
Vector Address(1)
Pin reset, power-on reset, illegal address reset, low voltage reset (if applicable)
Clock monitor reset
COP watchdog reset
(Vector base + 0x00F8)
(Vector base + 0x00F6)
(Vector base + 0x00F4)
(Vector base + 0x00F2)
Unimplemented opcode trap
Software interrupt instruction (SWI) or BDM vector request
X bit maskable interrupt request (XIRQ or D2D error interrupt)(2)
IRQ or D2D interrupt request(3)
(Vector base + 0x00F0–0x0082) Device specific I bit maskable interrupt sources (priority determined by the low byte of the
vector address, in descending order)
(Vector base + 0x0080)
Spurious interrupt
1. 16 bits vector address based
2. D2D error interrupt on MCUs featuring a D2D initiator module, otherwise XIRQ pin interrupt
3. D2D interrupt on MCUs featuring a D2D initiator module, otherwise IRQ pin interrupt
S12P-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.13
Freescale Semiconductor