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ES51964 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ES51964
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 双显示 [Dual Display]
文件页数/大小: 33 页 / 603 K
品牌: CYRUSTEK [ Cyrustek corporation ]
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Dual Display  
4.7. ZERO function  
In manual DC 6.600A, 66.00A, 660.0A and 6600A, auto DC 66.00A/660.0A and auto DC  
660.0A/6600A mesurement modes, ES51964 provides Zero function to remove the residual  
current value. Push ZERO bottom less than one second to enter Zero mode. In Zero mode,  
main-display shows DN+K - DN, where N = 1, 2, 3, , DN is the last conversion value  
before Zero is pushed, and DN+K is the current conversion value. Sub-display shows nothing  
if no other function is activated. If Zero is pushed again in Zero mode, main-display will  
update the DN value and displays the DN+K - DN again. The meter returns to normal  
operation if Zero is pressed and held for longer than one second. Pressing HOLD in Zero  
mode makes the meter stop updating the LCD panel. In 2-range auto DCA modes for  
clampmeter (660.0A/6600A or 66.00A/660.0A), the system will stay in automatic mode,  
even if the Zero function is activated. In other words, it could achieve real automatic  
operation. In automatic mode, Zero function could not be entered from higher range, but it  
could be still activated if current range is lower one. This is because most residual current  
value is so small that the range should stay at lower one in automatic mode. When enter  
Zero mode from lower range, the system will store the nonzero counts (residual current  
value). If the range goes up to higher one automatically, the non-zero counts will be divided  
by ten. So this function will still work well in automatic modes.  
State diagram for Zero mode:  
Original State  
Press Zero  
Press Zero > 1s  
Press Zero < 1s  
Main-display: DN+K - DN  
State diagram for Zero + HOLD mode:  
Original State  
Press Zero  
Press Zero > 1s  
Press Zero < 1s  
Main-display: DN+K - DN  
Press Hold  
‘Zero’ ‘HoldActive  
LCD stops updating  