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CY7B933-JC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CY7B933-JC
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内容描述: 的HOTLink ™发射器/接收器 [HOTLink⑩ Transmitter/Receiver]
文件页数/大小: 35 页 / 630 K
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To clarify this correspondence, the following example shows  
the conversion from an FC-2 Valid Data Byte to a Transmission  
Character (using 8B/10B Transmission Code notation)  
Transmission Order  
Within the definition of the 8B/10B Transmission Code, the bit  
positions of the Transmission Characters are labeled a, b, c, d,  
e, i, f, g, h, j. Bit “a” shall be transmitted first followed by bits b,  
c, d, e, i, f, g, h, and j in that order. (Note that bit i shall be  
transmitted between bit e and bit f, rather than in alphabetical  
FC-2 45  
Bits: 7654 3210  
0100 0101  
Converted to 8B/10B notation (note carefully that the order of  
bits is reversed):  
Valid and Invalid Transmission Characters  
Data Byte Name  
The following tables define the valid Data Characters and valid  
Special Characters (K characters), respectively. The tables  
are used for both generating valid Transmission Characters  
(encoding) and checking the validity of received Transmission  
Characters (decoding). In the tables, each Valid-Data-byte or  
Special-Character-code entry has two columns that represent  
two (not necessarily different) Transmission Characters. The  
two columns correspond to the current value of the running  
disparity (“Current RD” or “Current RD+”). Running disparity  
is a binary parameter with either the value negative () or the  
value positive (+).  
10100 010  
Translated to a transmission Character in the 8B/10B Trans-  
mission Code:  
Bits: abcdeifghj  
Each valid Transmission Character of the 8B/10B Transmis-  
sion Code has been given a name using the following conven-  
tion: cxx.y, where c is used to show whether the Transmission  
Character is a Data Character (c is set to D, and the SC/D pin  
is LOW) or a Special Character (c is set to K, and the SC/D pin is  
HIGH). When c is set to D, xx is the decimal value of the binary  
number composedof the bitsE, D, C, B, and A in that order, and the  
y is the decimal value of the binary number composed of the bits H,  
G, and F in that order. When c is set to K, xx and y are derived by  
comparing the encoded bit patterns of the Special Character to  
those patterns derived from encoded Valid Data bytes and selecting  
the names of the patterns most similar to the encoded bit patterns  
of the Special Character.  
After powering on, the Transmitter may assume either a posi-  
tive or negative value for its initial running disparity. Upon  
transmission of any Transmission Character, the transmitter  
will select the proper version of the Transmission Character  
based on the current running disparity value, and the Trans-  
mitter shall calculate a new value for its running disparity  
based on the contents of the transmitted character. Special  
Character codes C1.7 and C2.7 can be used to force the trans-  
mission of a specific Special Character with a specific running  
disparity as required for some special sequences in X3.230.  
Under the above conventions, the Transmission Character  
used for the examples above, is referred to by the name D5.2.  
The Special Character K29.7 is so named because the first six  
bits (abcdei) of this character make up a bit pattern similar to  
that resulting from the encoding of the unencoded 11101 pat-  
tern (29), and because the second four bits (fghj) make up a  
bit pattern similar to that resulting from the encoding of the  
unencoded 111 pattern (7).  
After powering on, the Receiver may assume either a positive  
or negative value for its initial running disparity. Upon recep-  
tion of any Transmission Character, the Receiver shall decide  
whether the Transmission Character is valid or invalid accord-  
ing to the following rules and tables and shall calculate a new  
value for its Running Disparity based on the contents of the  
received character.  
The following rules for running disparity shall be used to cal-  
culate the new running-disparity value for Transmission Char-  
acters that have been transmitted (Transmitter’s running dis-  
parity) and that have been received (Receiver’s running  
Note: This definition of the 10-bit Transmission Code is based  
on (and is in basic agreement with) the following references,  
which describe the same 10-bit transmission code.  
A.X. Widmer and P.A. Franaszek. “A DC-Balanced, Parti-  
tioned-Block, 8B/10B Transmission Code” IBM Journal of Re-  
search and Development, 27, No. 5: 440451 (September, 1983).  
Running disparity for a Transmission Character shall be calcu-  
lated from sub-blocks, where the first six bits (abcdei) form one  
sub-block and the second four bits (fghj) form the other  
sub-block. Running disparity at the beginning of the 6-bit  
sub-block is the running disparity at the end of the previous  
Transmission Character. Running disparity at the beginning of  
the 4-bit sub-block is the running disparity at the end of the  
6-bit sub-block. Running disparity at the end of the Transmis-  
sion Character is the running disparity at the end of the 4-bit  
U.S. Patent 4, 486, 739. Peter A. Franaszek and Albert X. Wid-  
mer. “Byte-Oriented DC Balanced (0.4) 8B/10B Partitioned  
Block Transmission Code” (December 4, 1984).  
Fibre Channel Physical and Signaling Interface (dpANS  
X3.230199X ANSI FCPH Standard).  
IBM Enterprise Systems Architecture/390 ESCON I/O Inter-  
face (document number SA227202).  
8B/10B Transmission Code  
Running disparity for the sub-blocks shall be calculated as fol-  
The following information describes how the tables shall be  
used for both generating valid Transmission Characters (en-  
coding) and checking the validity of received Transmission  
Characters (decoding). It also specifies the ordering rules to  
be followed when transmitting the bits within a character and  
the characters within the higher-level constructs specified by  
the standard.  
1. Running disparity at the end of any sub-block is positive if  
the sub-block contains more ones than zeros. It is also  
positiveat the end of the 6-bitsub-block if the 6-bit sub-block  
is 000111, and it is positive at the end of the 4-bit sub-block  
if the 4-bit sub-block is 0011.  
2. Running disparity at the end of any sub-block is negative if  
the sub-block contains more zeros than ones. It is also  