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CX25870 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CX25870
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内容描述: 视频编码器与自适应闪烁过滤和HDTV输出 [Video Encoder with Adaptive Flicker Filtering and HDTV Output]
分类和应用: 电视编码器
文件页数/大小: 291 页 / 3791 K
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1.0 Functional Description  
Flicker-Free Video Encoder with Ultrascale Technology  
1.3 Device Description  
1.3.3 Low Voltage Graphics Interface  
The CX25870/871 can receive or transmit signals from/to a graphics controller at  
any of five different voltage levels. The allowable voltage levels are 3.3 V, 1.8 V,  
1.5 V, 1.3 V, and 1.1 V. Default input/output voltage amplitude for the interface  
signals (defined as P[23:0], HSYNC*, VSYNC*, CLKI, CLKO, BLANK*, and  
FIELD) is 3.3 V and matches the Bt868/869 to ensure backwards compatibility.  
For a 3.3 V digital interface, no special configuration steps are necessary.  
Simply follow “Recommended Layout for Connection with a 3.3 V Master  
Device” in Chapter 3.3 and on power-up, the encoder will automatically expect  
3.3 V signal transitions.  
For a 1.8 V or lower digital interface, several special configuration steps are  
necessary. First, the layout must adhere to Chapter 3.3s 3.3 V/1.8 V.  
Recommended Layout for Connection with a 1.8 V Master Device.” Second,  
program the DRVS[1:0] field (bits[6:5] of register (0x32)) to 01(or an alternate  
value for 1.5 V, 1.3 V or 1.1 V interface). This forces the encoder to increase its  
drive strength on each interface signal used as an output in the interface. Third,  
connect the VDDL (pin 40) and VDD_CO (pin 57) power supply pins to the  
correct lower supply voltage (1.8 V or other). Fourth, using a voltage divider  
circuit or some other method, tie the CX25870/871s VDD_VREF input (pin 49)  
to a level equal to (VDDL/ 2 ). Make sure this voltage source is stable since the  
VDDL pin controls the output signal levels. The VDD_VREF pin dictates the  
encoder threshold voltage received for the appropriate input signals. The third and  
fourth steps are illustrated in Figure 3-5. Make sure the graphics controller is  
configured to send and accept signals at the lower supply voltage.  
Adjusting VDD_CO, VDDL and VDD_VREF appropriately controls the  
input voltage levels for the digital input pins P[23:0], CLKI, and  
HSYNC*/VSYNC*/BLANK* (in slave interface; EN_BLANKO = 0). Using the  
DRVS[1:0] bits control the output voltage levels for the digital output pins CLKO,  
FIELD, and HSYNC*/VSYNC*/BLANK* (in master or pseudo-master interface;  
EN_BLANKO = 1). In this way, the digital input pins can operate at different  
input voltage levels than the digital output voltage levels.  