Acquire Data
This icon begins a conversion cycle based on
the selection of MC, LP, and RC. Depending
on the status of these bits, the software will in-
struct the converter to do single conversions or
collect data in the FIFO, and display the infor-
mation on the screen. Pressing the STOP but-
ton will end the conversion cycle. All other
icons are disabled during the conversion cycles
to avoid hardware conflicts.
Displays the x-axis value of the cursor on the
Once selected, it allows a user to exit from the
COLLECT algorithm. If data conversion sam-
ple sets larger than 64 are being collected and
the CANCEL button is selected, it is recom-
mended that the user reset the evaluation board.
The board will eventually recover from the
continuous collection mode, but the recovery
time could be as long as 10 minutes.
MC/LP/RC Selection
This box allows the user to select between the
different types of conversion cycles available
by modifying the MC, LP, and RC bits in the
CS5521/22/23/24/28 data sheet for more infor-
Selects the Setup that will be accessed to per-
form conversions when COLLECT is activat-
Initiates the data conversion collection process.
COLLECT has two modes of operation: collect
from file or collect from converter. To collect
from a file an appropriate file from the SETUP-
DISK menu bar option must be selected. Once
a file is selected, its content is displayed in the
graph. If the user is collecting real-time conver-
sions to analyze, the appropriate COM port
must be selected. The user is then free to collect
the preset number of conversions (preset by the
CONFIG pop-up menu discussed below). No-
tice, there is a significant acquisition time dif-
ference between the two methods.
Selects the Setup that will be accessed for sin-
gle conversions (MC = 0). For MC = 1, this
box is ignored.
Data FIFO Boxes
These boxes display the information returned
from the data FIFO buffer when MC = 1. For
MC = 0, the single conversion will be displayed
in box number 1.
Channel Data Boxes
When using the CS5521/23, these boxes will
contain the conversion channel information re-
turned with the data word. When using the
CS5522/24/28, these boxes will be inactive.
Opens a pop-up panel to configure how much
data is to be collected, and how to process the
data once it is collected. The following are con-
trols and indicators associated with the CON-
FIG panel.
2.6 Histogram Window Overview
The following is a description of the controls and in-
dicators associated with the Histogram Window
(Figure 11). Many of the control icons are usable
from the Histogram Window, the Frequency Do-
main Window, and the Time Domain Window. For
brevity, they are only described in this section.
Samples - User selection of 16, 32, 64, 128,
256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, or 8192 con-