file. The file must comply with the CDB-
CAPTURE file save format. The format is:
part number, throughput (or sample rate),
number of conversions, maximum range,
and the data conversions. The user is
prompted to enter the path and file name of
previously saved data. To prevent hardware
conflicts, this option is deactivated while in
the Setup Window.
2.3 Menu Bars Overview
The menu bar controls the link between windows
and allows the user to exit the program. It also al-
lows the user to initialize the serial port and load
presaved data conversions from a file. The six prin-
cipal windows are the Start-Up, the Setup Window,
the Power Spectrum Window (also referred to as
the FFT window), the Histogram Window, the
Time Domain Window, and the Calibrate Window.
TESTRS232 - This test mode tests the abili-
ty of the PC to communicate to the evalua-
tion board. It consists of two subtests:
Specifically, the menu bar has the following control
1) test the link between the PC and the RS-
232 interface circuitry; and
To select, click on option Menu from the menu
bar, or use associated hot keys. The items asso-
ciated with MENU are listed and described be-
2) test the RS-232 link between the PC and
the microcontroller.
HDR7 distinguishes these two subtests. Set
HDR7 to Normal to test the complete com-
munication link. Or set HDR7 to Loop
Back to test the link between the RS-232
Circuitry and the PC. Then, set the test
switches to 110 and reset the evaluation
board. The LED’s should indicate a binary
six signifying that the hardware is ready to
initiate the test. To complete the test, the
user must initialize the PC. First, use the
SETUP menu to select a communications
port and then select the TESTRS232 option.
From there, user prompts navigate the user
through the test. The PC indicates if the test
passes or fails. Once either test is complete,
the LED’s toggle to indicate that the test
mode is complete.
Start-Up Window (F1)
Setup Window (F2)
Power Spectrum Window (F3)
Histogram Window (F4)
Time Domain Window (F5)
Calibrate Window (F6)
These six menu items allow the user to navigate
between the windows. They are available at all
times via the menu bar or hot keys.
To select, click on option Setup from the menu
bar. The functions available under Setup are:
COM1 - When selected, COM1 is initial-
ized to 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and
1 stop bit.
COM2 - When selected, COM2 is initial-
ized to 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and
1 stop bit.
Allows user to select a different converter.
Allows user to exit program.
Load From Disk - Used to load and display
previously saved data conversions from a