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ATMEGA8L-8MUR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 8位爱特梅尔带有8K字节的系统内可编程闪存 [8-bit Atmel with 8KBytes In-System PRogrammable Flash]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器和处理器外围集成电路异步传输模式PCATM时钟
文件页数/大小: 331 页 / 6705 K
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Figure 35 shows a block diagram of the Output Compare unit. The small “n” in the register and  
bit names indicates the device number (n = 1 for Timer/Counter 1), and the “x” indicates Output  
Compare unit (A/B). The elements of the block diagram that are not directly a part of the Output  
Compare unit are gray shaded.  
Figure 35. Output Compare Unit, Block Diagram  
DATA BUS (8-bit)  
TEMP (8-bit)  
OCRnxH Buf. (8-bit)  
OCRnxL Buf. (8-bit)  
TCNTnH (8-bit)  
TCNTnL (8-bit)  
OCRnx Buffer (16-bit Register)  
TCNTn (16-bit Counter)  
OCRnxH (8-bit)  
OCRnxL (8-bit)  
OCRnx (16-bit Register)  
(16-bit Comparator )  
OCFnx (Int.Req.)  
Waveform Generator  
WGMn3:0 COMnx1:0  
The OCR1x Register is double buffered when using any of the twelve Pulse Width Modulation  
(PWM) modes. For the normal and Clear Timer on Compare (CTC) modes of operation, the dou-  
ble buffering is disabled. The double buffering synchronizes the update of the OCR1x Compare  
Register to either TOP or BOTTOM of the counting sequence. The synchronization prevents the  
occurrence of odd-length, non-symmetrical PWM pulses, thereby making the output glitch-free.  
The OCR1x Register access may seem complex, but this is not case. When the double buffering  
is enabled, the CPU has access to the OCR1x Buffer Register, and if double buffering is dis-  
abled the CPU will access the OCR1x directly. The content of the OCR1x (Buffer or Compare)  
Register is only changed by a write operation (the Timer/Counter does not update this register  
automatically as the TCNT1 and ICR1 Register). Therefore OCR1x is not read via the High byte  
temporary register (TEMP). However, it is a good practice to read the Low byte first as when  
accessing other 16-bit registers. Writing the OCR1x Registers must be done via the TEMP Reg-  
ister since the compare of all 16-bit is done continuously. The High byte (OCR1xH) has to be  
written first. When the High byte I/O location is written by the CPU, the TEMP Register will be  
updated by the value written. Then when the Low byte (OCR1xL) is written to the lower eight  
bits, the High byte will be copied into the upper 8-bits of either the OCR1x buffer or OCR1x Com-  
pare Register in the same system clock cycle.  
For more information of how to access the 16-bit registers refer to “Accessing 16-bit Registers”  
on page 77.  