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L160DB90VC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: L160DB90VC
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内容描述: 16兆位(2M ×8位/ 1的M× 16位) CMOS 3.0伏只引导扇区闪存 [16 Megabit (2 M x 8-Bit/1 M x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only Boot Sector Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存
文件页数/大小: 52 页 / 1792 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
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D A T A S H E E T  
Any commands written to the device during the Em-  
90h; the second cycle the data 00h. Addresses are  
don’t care for both cycles. The device then returns to  
reading array data.  
bedded Program Algorithm are ignored. Note that a  
hardware reset immediately terminates the program-  
ming operation. The Byte Program command  
sequence should be reinitiated once the device has  
reset to reading array data, to ensure data integrity.  
Figure 3 illustrates the algorithm for the program oper-  
ation. See the Erase/Program Operations table in “AC  
Characteristics” for parameters, and to Figure 17 for  
timing diagrams.  
Programming is allowed in any sequence and across  
sector boundaries. A bit cannot be programmed  
from a “0” back to a “1”. Attempting to do so may  
halt the operation and set DQ5 to “1,or cause the  
Data# Polling algorithm to indicate the operation was  
successful. However, a succeeding read will show that  
the data is still “0”. Only erase operations can convert  
a “0” to a “1”.  
Write Program  
Command Sequence  
Unlock Bypass Command Sequence  
The unlock bypass feature allows the system to pro-  
gram bytes or words to the device faster than using the  
standard program command sequence. The unlock  
bypass command sequence is initiated by first writing  
two unlock cycles. This is followed by a third write  
cycle containing the unlock bypass command, 20h.  
The device then enters the unlock bypass mode. A  
two-cycle unlock bypass program command sequence  
is all that is required to program in this mode. The first  
cycle in this sequence contains the unlock bypass pro-  
gram command, A0h; the second cycle contains the  
program address and data. Additional data is pro-  
grammed in the same manner. This mode dispenses  
with the initial two unlock cycles required in the stan-  
dard program command sequence, resulting in faster  
total programming time. Table 9 shows the require-  
ments for the command sequence.  
Data Poll  
from System  
in progress  
Verify Data?  
Increment Address  
Last Address?  
During the unlock bypass mode, only the Unlock By-  
pass Program and Unlock Bypass Reset commands  
are valid. To exit the unlock bypass mode, the system  
must issue the two-cycle unlock bypass reset com-  
mand sequence. The first cycle must contain the data  
Note: See Table 9 for program command sequence.  
Figure 3. Program Operation  
the address and data requirements for the chip erase  
command sequence.  
Any commands written to the chip during the Embed-  
ded Erase algorithm are ignored. Note that a  
hardware reset during the chip erase operation im-  
mediately terminates the operation. The Chip Erase  
command sequence should be reinitiated once the de-  
vice has returned to reading array data, to ensure data  
Chip Erase Command Sequence  
Chip erase is a six bus cycle operation. The chip erase  
command sequence is initiated by writing two unlock  
cycles, followed by a set-up command. Two additional  
unlock write cycles are then followed by the chip erase  
command, which in turn invokes the Embedded Erase  
algorithm. The device does not require the system to  
preprogram prior to erase. The Embedded Erase algo-  
rithm automatically preprograms and verifies the entire  
memory for an all zero data pattern prior to electrical  
erase. The system is not required to provide any con-  
trols or timings during these operations. Table 9 shows  
The system can determine the status of the erase op-  
eration by using DQ7, DQ6, DQ2, or RY/BY#. See  
“Write Operation Status” for information on these sta-  
tus bits. When the Embedded Erase algorithm is  
complete, the device returns to reading array data and  
addresses are no longer latched.  
22358B7 May 5, 2006  