Furthermore, DQ2 can also be used to determine
which sector is being erased. When the device is in the
erase mode, DQ2 toggles if this bit is read from the
erasing sector.
The RESET pin may be tied to the system reset input.
Therefore, if a system reset occurs during the Embed-
ded Program or Erase Algorithm, the device will be au-
tomatically reset to read mode and this will enable the
system’s microprocessor to read the boot-up firmware
from the Flash memory.
Data Protection
The Am29F016 provides a RY/BY open-drain output
pin as a way to indicate to the host system that the Em-
bedded Algorithms are either in progress or has been
completed. If the output is low, the device is busy with
either a program or erase operation. If the output is
high, the device is ready to accept any read/write or
erase operation. When the RY/BY pin is low, the device
will not accept any additional program or erase com-
mands with the exception of the Erase Suspend com-
mand. If the Am29F016 is placed in an Erase Suspend
mode, the RY/BY output will be high.
The Am29F016 is designed to offer protection against
accidental erasure or programming caused by spurious
system level signals that may exist during power transi-
tions. During power up the device automatically resets
the internal state machine in the Read mode. Also, with
its control register architecture, alteration of the mem-
ory contents only occurs after successful completion of
specific multi-bus cycle command sequences.
The device also incorporates several features to pre-
vent inadvertent write cycles resulting from VCC
power-up and power-down transitions or system noise.
During programming, the RY/BY pin is driven low after
the rising edge of the fourth WE pulse. During an erase
operation, the RY/BY pin is driven low after the rising
edge of the sixth WE pulse. The RY/BY pin will indicate
a busy condition during the RESET pulse. Refer to
Figure 13 for a detailed timing diagram. The RY/BY pin
is pulled high in standby mode.
Low VCC Write Inhibit
To avoid initiation of a write cycle during VCC power-up
and power-down, a write cycle is locked out for VCC
less than 3.2 V (typically 3.7 V). If VCC < VLKO, the com-
mand register is disabled and all internal program/
erase circuits are disabled. Under this condition the de-
vice will reset to the read mode. Subsequent writes will
be ignored until the VCC level is greater than VLKO. It is
the user’s responsibility to ensure that the control pins
are logically correct to prevent unintentional writes
when VCC is above 3.2 V.
Since this is an open-drain output, several RY/BY pins
can be tied together in parallel with a pull-up resistor
to VCC
Hardware Reset
Write Pulse “Glitch” Protection
The Am29F016 device may be reset by driving the
RESET pin to VIL. The RESET pin must be kept low
(VIL) for at least 500 ns. Any operation in progress will
be terminated and the internal state machine will be
reset to the read mode 20 µs after the RESET pin is
driven low. If a hardware reset occurs during a pro-
gram operation, the data at that particular location will
be indeterminate.
Noise pulses of less than 5 ns (typical) on OE, CE or
WE will not initiate a write cycle.
Logical Inhibit
Writing is inhibited by holding any one of OE = VIL,
CE = VIH or WE = VIH. To initiate a write cycle CE and
WE must be a logical zero while OE is a logical one.
Power-Up Write Inhibit
When the RESET pin is low and the internal reset is
complete, the device goes to standby mode and cannot
be accessed. Also, note that all the data output pins are
tri-stated for the duration of the RESET pulse. Once the
RESET pin is taken high, the device requires 500 ns of
wake up time until outputs are valid for read access.
Power-up of the device with WE = CE = VIL and
OE = VIH will not accept commands on the rising
edge of WE. The internal state machine is auto-
matically reset to the read mode on power-up.