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S2021A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S2021A
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Telecom Circuit, 1-Func, BICMOS, CBGA225, CERAMIC, PGA-225]
分类和应用: 电信信息通信管理电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 38 页 / 168 K
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{WAITPKT} The WAIT PacKeT state is entered when  
there is no active Packet and the decode of “DRDY” is  
true, indicating that both BSTAV and DATAV were  
asserted from the Source Host system.  
The defined states are as follows:  
{INIT} The INITialization state is the entry point of the  
Host Data/FIFO SM. This state is unconditionally  
entered by a “RST” decode of the inputs. The state  
is also entered by a “DSCN” decode representing  
the disconnected state of the HIPPI channel. This  
state remains active if a “CNRQ” decode is true  
while the “NODT” decode remains false, indicating  
a Connection request without Data available from  
the FIFO. The state is exited to the {RDIFL} state  
by the decode of “CNRQ” and “DTAV” both true.  
The decode of “CON” in this state is a Destination  
error and the {DESTERR} state is entered.  
This state will read one word from the Source Host  
FIFO. If the “NPIF” decode is detected at the read  
(ie. PKTAV not asserted) then the {IDLE} state is  
entered. This loop of {IDLE}-{WAITPKT} will ad-  
vance the FIFO up to the next valid Packet.  
Any data words not delimited by PKTAV will appear  
at the HIPPI channel, but the PKT and BST signals  
on the HIPPI channel remain inactive. If the PKTAV  
is asserted at the read, the {PENDBST} state is  
{PENDBST} The PENDing BurST state is entered  
when the Source Host system has a Burst of data  
to send. No read operations are performed in this  
state. If the “FLOF” decode is true (indicating that  
the Destination is not Ready for a Burst), this state  
is maintained. When the “FLOF” decode is false  
then this state is exited. If the PKTAV signal is  
deasserted, the {SRCERR} state is entered. If the  
pending Burst has only one word either by the as-  
sertion of SHBST in the first word or by the  
deassertion of DATAV (the last word in the FIFO  
was read), then the {LSTWD} state is entered. If the  
Burst has more than one word, then the {BURST}  
state is entered.  
{RDIFL} The ReaD I-FieLd state is entered when a  
Connect request is is initiated by the Source Host  
system and there is data available from the Source  
Host. When in this state the FIFO read function is  
active resulting in an active low level on the NREN  
output. The read operations of the FIFO will con-  
tinue until the “IFLD” decode is true, at which point  
the {PSTIFLD} state is entered. The decode of  
“RST” or “DSCN” will exit this state back to the  
{INIT}. The decode of “CON” in this state will force  
entry to the {DESTERR} state.  
{PSTIFLD} The PoST I-FieLd state is entered when an  
I-Field is successfully read from the Source Host  
system. While in this state, the I-Field data is pre-  
sented to the HIPPI channel and the REQ signal is  
asserted on the HIPPI channel. Although the NREN  
signal remains inactive, the internal data and parity  
pipeline remains active. If the I-Field was presented  
from the FIFO, the FIFO output register is stable  
with that data. If the FIFO data outputs were dis-  
abled, any other data applied to the Source device  
inputs (ie. via 3-state multiplexing) would appear at  
the HIPPI channel outputs two 25MHz clock cycles  
later. The decode of “DSCN” or “RST” will force  
entry to {INIT}. The decode of “CON” indicates suc-  
cessful connection to the HIPPI channel, and the  
{IDLE} state will be entered.  
{BURST} The BURST state is entered when every-  
thing is prepared for transmission; a valid connec-  
tion is established on the HIPPI channel, the  
Source Host system has at least one Burst avail-  
able, a Packet is currently active, and the Destina-  
tion is capable of receiving at least one complete  
Burst. In this state, Source Host system read op-  
erations are performed continuously until the the  
Packet is terminated, the 256th word is read, the  
SHBST signal is asserted, or the Source Host FIFO  
runs out of data. When any of these terminating  
conditions occur, the {LSTWD} state is entered.  
{LSTWD} The LaST WorD state is entered when the  
last word of the current Burst has been read from  
the Source Host system. No read operations are  
performed in this state. This state is only one cycle  
in duration, and except for error conditions, the  
{LLRC} state is next.  
{IDLE} The IDLE state is maintained when there is a  
Connection established, but there is no Packet and  
no data to transmit. No read operations are per-  
formed on the FIFO in this state. When “DRDY”  
indicates that Data and Burst are available, the  
{WAITPKT} state is entered.  