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S2021A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S2021A
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Telecom Circuit, 1-Func, BICMOS, CBGA225, CERAMIC, PGA-225]
分类和应用: 电信信息通信管理电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 38 页 / 168 K
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to the standard transitions, this state is exited to the  
{HSEQER} state if the “DXFR” decode is true, to  
the {ILLINPT} state if the “HIFL” decode is true, to  
the {ENDBPKT} state if the  
{ILLINPT} The ILLegal INPuT signals state is entered  
from all other states except the {HSEQER} state if  
the “CERR” decode is true. For specific states other  
decodes incorrect that state will also force the  
{ILLINPT} state. In this state the Sequence Error  
status word is presented to the data outputs of the  
Desination device. During this state the  
<RSTCON> signal is generated to force the reset  
of the Connect Control SM and abandon the com-  
promised HIPPI Connection. This state is exited to  
the {DISCON0} state unconditionally on the next  
clock cycle.  
“IDLG” decode is true, or to the {ENDBST} state if  
the “GLRC” decode is true.  
{ENDBST} The END BurST state is entered from the  
{LLRCCH} state if the “GLRC” decode is true. In  
this state the general op status word is presented  
on the data outputs of the Destination device. In  
addition to the standard transitions, this state is ex-  
ited to the {ILLINPT} state if the “HIFL” decode is  
true, to the {DTATRNSF} state if the “DXFR” de-  
code is true, to the {IBSTGP} state if the “GLRC”  
decode is true, or to the {INTRPKT} state if the  
“IDLG” state is true.  
PKOUT PacKet OUT signal to the Destination Host  
system. A ‘1’ on this signal indicates the detection  
and sychronization of an asserted PKT signal from  
the HIPPI channel. A ‘0’ indicates the end of a  
HIPPI Packet.  
{IBSTGP} The Inter BurST GaP state is entered from  
the {ENDBST} state if the “GLRC” decode is true.  
This state persists if the “GLRC” decode remains  
true. In this state the general op status word is  
presented on the data outputs of the Destination  
device. In addition to the standard transitions, this  
state is exited to the {ILLINPT} state if the “HIFL”  
decode is true, to the {DTATRNSF} state if the  
“DXFR” decode is true, or to the {INTRPKT} state if  
the “IDLG” decode is true.  
BROUT BuRst OUT stignal to the Destination Host  
system. A ‘1’ on this signal indicates the detection  
and synchronization of an asserted BRST signal  
from the HIPPI channel. A ‘0’ indicats a deasserted  
BRST signal.  
DTVAL DaTa VALid signal to the Destination Host  
system. This signal is at a ‘1’ when new data or  
status is available on the data outputs of the Desti-  
nation device. This signal is at ‘0’ in the {IDLE},  
{IBSTGP}, and {PKTNBST} states.  
{INTRPKT} The INTeR PacKeT state isentered from  
the {IBSTGP} state or from the {ENDBST} state if  
the “IDLG” decode is true. In this state the general  
op status word is presented on the data outputs of  
the Destination device. In addition to the standard  
transistions, this state is exited to the {HSEQER}  
state if the “DXFR” decode is true, to the {ILLINPT}  
state if the “HIFL” decode is true, to the {BGNPKT}  
state if the “GLRC” decode is true, or to the {IDLE}  
state if the “IDLG” decode is true.  
SELB0-2 SELect Bus 0, 1, 2 signals’ to the Destination  
Host system. These signals are intended to be the  
primary addressing delimiters of the various status  
and data words presented at the data outputs of  
the Destination device. The functions of these sig-  
nals are described in the S2020/S2021 Preliminary  
Device Specification.  
{HSEQER} The HIPPI SEQuence ERror state is en-  
tered unconditionally if the OVERFLOW condition  
occurs (Burst received when Burst and Ready  
counters are equal). The {HSEQER} is also entered  
from all states except {ILLINPUT}. For specific  
states other decodes incorrect that state will also  
froce the {HSEQER} state. In this state the Se-  
quence Error status word is presented to the data  
outputs of the Desination device. During this state  
the <RSTCON> signal is generated to force the  
reset of the Connect Control SM and abandon the  
compromised HIPPI Connection. This state is ex-  
ited to the {DISCON0} state unconditionally on the  
next clock cycle.  