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S2021A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S2021A
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Telecom Circuit, 1-Func, BICMOS, CBGA225, CERAMIC, PGA-225]
分类和应用: 电信信息通信管理电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 38 页 / 168 K
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{IDLE} The IDLE state is entered from the {DISCON0-  
2'} state sequence, the {INTRPKT} state or the  
{ENDBPKT} state if the “IDLG” decode is true. In  
addition to the standard transitions, this state is ex-  
ited to the {HSEQER} state if the “DXFR” decode is  
true, to {ILLINPT} if the “HIFL” decode is true, and  
to the {BGNPKT} state if the “GLRC” decode is  
true. In this pre- and inter-packet state the general  
op status word is presented on the data outputs of  
the Destination device.  
BRST BuRST signal from the HIPPI channel. The  
functions of this signal are defined in the HIPPI-PH  
PKT PacKeT signal from the HIPPI channel. The func-  
tions of this signal are defined in the HIPPI-PH  
{BGNPKT} The BeGiN PacKeT state is entered from  
the {IDLE} state, the {INTRPKT} state or the  
{ENDBPKT} state if the “GLRC” decode is true. In  
addition to the standard transitions, this state is ex-  
ited to the {HSEQER} if the “IDLG” decode is true,  
to the {ILLINPT} state if the “HIFL” decode is true,  
to the {PKTNBST} state if the “GLRC” decode is  
true, and to the {DTATRNSF} state if the “DXFR”  
decode is true. In this state the general op status  
word is presented on the data outputs of the Desti-  
nation device.  
<NXTST6> State 6 signal from the Connect Control  
SM: This signal is active when the Connect Control  
SM is in the {REQCON} state. This signal indicates  
the reception of an I-Field’ from the HIPPI channel.  
<NXTST25> State 25 signal from the Connect Control  
SM: This signal is active when the Connect Control  
SM is in the {CONNECTED} state. This signal al-  
lows the Data/FIFO SM to process Packet and  
Burst delimited data from the HIPPI channel.  
{PKTNBST} The PacKeT No BurST state is entered  
from the {BGNPKT} state if the “GLRC” decode is  
true. This state persists if the “GLRC” decode re-  
mains true. In addition to the standard transitions,  
this state is exited to the {HSEQER} state if the  
“IDLG” decode is true, to the {ILLINPT} state if the  
“HIFL” decode is true, and to the {DTATRNSF}  
state if the “DXFR” decode is true. In this state the  
general op status word is presented on the data  
outputs of the Destination device.  
The defined states of the Data/FIFO SM are as follows:  
{DISCON0-2} The DISCONnected 0 through  
DISCONnected 2 states are repetitively sequenced  
if the “DISC” input decode is true. This sequence is  
entered at {DISCON0} if the Mode 0 Reset is com-  
manded via the MSEL0-2 inputs. While in this Se-  
quence, the Idle/Disabled status word, the flow  
status word 1, and the flow status word 2 are pre-  
sented in sequence on the data outputs of the Des-  
tination device. In addition to the standard  
transitions, this state sequence is exited to the  
{HSEQER} state if the “GLRC” or “DXFR” decodes  
are true, to the {IFIELD} state if the “HIFL” decode  
is true, or to the {IDLE} state if the “IDLG” decode is  
{DTATRNSF} The DaTA TRaNSFer state is entered  
from the {BGNPKT} state, the {PKTNBST} state , or  
the {IBSTGP} state if the “DXFR” decode is true.  
this state persists if the “DXFR” decode remains  
true. In this state Burst data is received and pre-  
sented to the data outputs of the Destination de-  
vice. In addition to the standard transitions, this  
state is exited to the {HSEQER} state if the “IDLG”  
decode is true, to the {ILLINPT} state if the “HIFL”  
decode is true, or to the {LLRCCH} state if the  
“GLRC” decode is true.  
{IFIELD} The I-FIELD state’ is entered from the  
{DISCON0-2} state sequence if the “HIFL” decode  
is true. This state persists if the “HIFL” decode re-  
mains true. In addition to the standard transitions,  
this state is exited to {HSEQER} if the “GLRC” or  
“DXFR” decodes are true or to the {ILLINPT} state  
if the “IDLG” decode is true. The normal functional  
exit is the standard “DISC” to {DISCON0}. In this  
state the received I-Field from the HIPPI channel is  
presented on the data outputs of the Destination  
{LLRCCH} The LLRC CHaracter state is entered from  
the {DTATRNSF} state if the “GLRC” decode is  
true. In this state the received LLRC character from  
the HIPPI channel is presented on the data outputs  
of the Destination device. During this state, the in-  
ternally calculated LLRC character is compared to  
the received character and the result of this com-  
parison is presented one clock cycle later on the  
RLLER output of the Destination device. In addition  