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EPCS4SI8N 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 串行配置器件 [Serial Configuration Devices]
分类和应用: 存储内存集成电路光电二极管过程控制系统PCSLTE可编程只读存储器电动程控只读存储器电可擦编程只读存储器时钟
文件页数/大小: 32 页 / 241 K
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Programming & Configuration File Support  
The Quartus II design software provides programming support for serial  
Programming &  
File Support  
configuration devices. After selecting the serial configuration device, the  
Quartus II software automatically generates the Programmer Object File  
(.pof) to program the device. The software allows users to select the  
appropriate serial configuration device density that most efficiently  
stores the configuration data for a selected FPGA.  
The serial configuration device can be programmed in-system by an  
external microprocessor using SRunner. SRunner is a software driver  
developed for embedded serial configuration device programming that  
designers can customize to fit in different embedded systems. The  
SRunner can read a Raw Programming Data file (.rpd) and write to the  
serial configuration devices. The programming time is comparable to the  
Quartus II software programming time.  
For more information about SRunner, see the SRunner: An Embedded  
Solution for Serial Configuration Device Programming White Paper and the  
source code on the Altera web site (www.altera.com).  
Serial configuration devices can be programmed using the APU with the  
appropriate programming adapter (PLMSEPC-8 or PLMSEPC-16) via the  
Quartus II software, USB Blaster, or the ByteBlaster II download cable via  
the Quartus II software. In addition, many third-party programmers,  
such as BP Microsystems and System General, offer programming  
hardware that supports serial configuration devices.  
During in-system programming of a serial configuration device via the  
USB Blaster or ByteBlaster II download cable, the cable pulls nCONFIG  
low to reset the FPGA and overrides the 10-kpull-down resistor on the  
FPGA’s nCEpin (see Figure 4–2). The download cable then uses the four  
interface pins (DATA, nCS, ASDI, and DCLK) to program the serial  
configuration device. Once the programming is complete, the download  
cable releases the serial configuration device’s four interface pins and the  
FPGA’s nCEpin, and pulses nCONFIGto start configuration.  
For more information on programming and configuration support, see  
the following documents:  
Altera Programming Hardware Data Sheet  
Programming Hardware Manufacturers  
USB Blaster USB Port Download Cable Development Tools Data Sheet  
ByteBlaster II Parallel Port Download Cable Data Sheet  
Core Version a.b.c variable  
Altera Corporation  
July 2004  
Configuration Handbook, Volume 2  