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EP2C8T144I8N 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EP2C8T144I8N
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内容描述: Cyclone II器件手册,卷1 [Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1]
分类和应用: 现场可编程门阵列可编程逻辑时钟
文件页数/大小: 470 页 / 5765 K
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JTAG Configuration  
enables the programming software to program or verify the target device.  
Configuration data driven into the target device appears on the TDOpin  
one clock cycle later.  
The Quartus II software verifies successful JTAG configuration upon  
completion. At the end of configuration, the software checks the  
CONF_DONEpin through the JTAG port. When the Quartus II software  
generates a JAM file for a multiple device chain, it contains instructions  
so that all the devices in the chain are initialized at the same time. If  
CONF_DONEis not high, the Quartus II software indicates that  
configuration has failed. If the CONF_DONEpin transitions high, the  
software indicates that configuration was successful. After the  
configuration bitstream is transmitted serially via the JTAG TDIport, the  
TCKport is clocked an additional 299 cycles to perform Cyclone II device  
The Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) option has no affect  
on the device initialization since this option is disabled in the SOF when  
configuring the FPGA in JTAG using the Quartus II programmer and  
download cable. Therefore, if you turn on the CLKUSRoption, you do not  
need to provide a clock on CLKUSRwhen you are configuring the FPGA  
with the Quartus II programmer and a download cable.  
Cyclone II devices have dedicated JTAG pins that always function as  
JTAG pins. You can perform JTAG testing on Cyclone II devices before,  
after, and during configuration. Cyclone II devices support the BYPASS,  
IDCODE and SAMPLE instructions during configuration without  
interruption. All other JTAG instructions may only be issued by first  
interrupting configuration and reprogramming I/O pins using the  
The CONFIG_IOinstruction allows I/O buffers to be configured via the  
JTAG port. The CONFIG_IOinstruction interrupts configuration. This  
instruction allows you to perform board-level testing before configuring  
the Cyclone II device or waiting for a configuration device to complete  
configuration. If you interrupt configuration, the Cyclone II device must  
be reconfigured via JTAG (PULSE_CONFIGinstruction) or by pulsing  
nCONFIGlow after JTAG testing is complete.  
For more information, see the MorphIO: An I/O Reconfiguration Solution  
for Altera White Paper.  
The chip-wide reset (DEV_CLRn) and chip-wide output enable (DEV_OE)  
pins on Cyclone II devices do not affect JTAG boundary-scan or  
programming operations. Toggling these pins does not affect JTAG  
operations (other than the usual boundary-scan operation).  
Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1  
Altera Corporation  
February 2007  