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CLK6 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CLK6
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内容描述: 的Stratix II器件手册,卷1 [Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1]
文件页数/大小: 768 页 / 5210 K
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Stratix II Architecture  
Table 2–16. Stratix II Supported I/O Standards (Part 2 of 2)  
Input Reference  
Voltage (VREF) (V) Voltage (VCCIO) (V) Voltage (VTT) (V)  
Output Supply  
I/O Standard  
SSTL-2 Class I and II  
Notes to Table 2–16:  
(1) This I/O standard is only available on input and output column clock pins.  
(2) This I/O standard is only available on input clock pins and DQS pins in I/O banks 3, 4, 7, and 8, and output clock  
pins in I/O banks 9,10, 11, and 12.  
VCCIO is 3.3 V when using this I/O standard in input and output column clock pins (in I/O banks 9, 10, 11, and 12).  
The clock input pins supporting LVDS on banks 3, 4, 7, and 8 use VCCINT for LVDS input operations and have no  
dependency on the VCCIO level of the bank.  
(4) 1.2-V HSTL is only supported in I/O banks 4,7, and 8.  
For more information on I/O standards supported by Stratix II I/O  
banks, refer to the Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II & Stratix II GX  
Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the  
Stratix II GX Device Handbook.  
Stratix II devices contain eight I/O banks and four enhanced PLL external  
clock output banks, as shown in Figure 2–57. The four I/O banks on the  
right and left of the device contain circuitry to support high-speed  
differential I/O for LVDS and HyperTransport inputs and outputs. These  
banks support all Stratix II I/O standards except PCI or PCI-X I/O pins,  
and SSTL-18 Class II and HSTL outputs. The top and bottom I/O banks  
support all single-ended I/O standards. Additionally, enhanced PLL  
external clock output banks allow clock output capabilities such as  
differential support for SSTL and HSTL.  
Altera Corporation  
May 2007  
Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1  