Chapter 1: Overview for Cyclone V Device Family
Hardware and Software Development
For hardware development, you can configure the HPS and connect your soft logic in
the FPGA fabric to the HPS interfaces using the Qsys system integration tool in the
Quartus II software.
For software development, the ARM-based SoC FPGA devices inherit the rich
software development ecosystem available for the ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore
processor. The software development process for Altera SoC FPGAs follows the same
steps as those for other SoC devices. Altera also provides support for the Linux and
VxWorks® operating systems.
You can begin device-specific firmware and software development on the Altera
SoC FPGA Virtual Target. The Virtual Target is a fast PC-based functional simulation
of a target development system—a model of a complete development board that runs
on a PC. The Virtual Target enables the development of device-specific production
software that can run unmodified on actual hardware.
Cyclone V Device Handbook
February 2012 Altera Corporation
Volume 1: Device Overview and Datasheet