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AK4685 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AK4685
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内容描述: 多通道编解码器的差分模拟I / O [Multi-channel CODEC with Differential Analog I/O]
分类和应用: 解码器编解码器
文件页数/大小: 52 页 / 575 K
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The transition between set values is soft transition of 1061 levels in Mode 0. It takes 1061/fs (22ms@fs=48kHz) from  
00H to FFH(MUTE). If the PDN pin goes to “L”, the IATL7-0, IATR7-0 (OAT1L7-0, OAT1R7-0, OAT2L7-0,  
OAT2R7-0) bits are initialized to 30H(18H). The ATT levels go to their default value when RSTN bit = “0”. When RSTN  
bit return to “1”, the ATTs fade to their current value.  
Digital Soft Mute  
The ADC and DAC have a soft mute function. The soft mute operation is performed at digital domain. When the  
SMAD/SMDA bits go to “1”, the output signal is attenuated by -during ATT_DATA×ATT transition time (Table 15,  
Table 16) from the current ATT level. When the SMAD/SMDA bits are returned to “0”, the mute is cancelled and the  
output attenuation gradually changes to the ATT level during ATT_DATA×ATT transition time. If the soft mute is  
cancelled before attenuating to -after starting the operation, the attenuation is discontinued and returned to ATT level in  
the same cycle. The soft mute is effective for changing the signal source without stopping the signal transmission.  
SMAD/SMDA bits  
ATT Level  
(1) ATT_DATA×ATT transition time (Table 15, Table 16). For example, in Normal Speed Mode, this time is 1061/fs  
cycles (256/fs) at ATT_DATA=00H. ATT transition of the soft-mute is from 00H to FFH  
(2) The analog output corresponding to the digital input has group delay, GD.  
(3) If the soft mute is cancelled before attenuating to -after starting the operation, the attenuation is discontinued and  
returned to ATT level in the same cycle.  
Figure 9. Soft Mute Function  
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