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AK4675 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AK4675
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 立体声编解码器与MIC / RCV / HP / SPK- AMP [Stereo CODEC with MIC/RCV/HP/SPK-AMP]
分类和应用: 解码器编解码器
文件页数/大小: 178 页 / 2136 K
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<Stereo Line Output 3 Control Sequence (in case of using Pop Noise Reduction Circuit)>  
(2 )  
(5 )  
P M L O 3 b it  
P M R O 3 b it  
(1 )  
(3 )  
(4 )  
(6 )  
L O P S 3 b it  
L O U T 3 , R O U T 3 p in s  
N o rm a l O u tp u t  
3 0 0 m s  
3 0 0 m s  
Figure 74. Stereo Line Output 3 Control Sequence (in case of using Pop Noise Reduction Circuit)  
(1) Set LOPS3 bit = “1”. Stereo line output enters the power-save mode.  
(2) Set PMLO3=PMRO3 bits = “1”. Stereo line output exits the power-down mode.  
LOUT3 and ROUT3 pins rise up to VCOM voltage. Rise time is 200ms (max 300ms) at C=1μF and  
(3) Set LOPS3 bit = “0” after LOUT3 and ROUT3 pins rise up. Stereo line output exits the power-save mode.  
Stereo line output is enabled.  
(4) Set LOPS3 bit = “1”. Stereo line output enters power-save mode.  
(5) Set PMLO3=PMRO3 bits = “0”. Stereo line output enters power-down mode.  
LOUT3 and ROUT3 pins fall down to VSS1. Fall time is 200ms (max 300ms) at C=1μF and AVDD=3.3V.  
(6) Set LOPS3 bit = “0” after LOUT3 and ROUT3 pins fall down. Stereo line output exits the power-save mode.  
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