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CA16A2CNN 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CA16A2CNN
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内容描述: CA16型2.5 Gb / s的DWDM转发器,具有16通道155 Mb / s的复用器/解复用器 [CA16-Type 2.5 Gbits/s DWDM Transponder with 16-Channel 155 Mbits/s Multiplexer/Demultiplexer]
分类和应用: 解复用器
文件页数/大小: 30 页 / 442 K
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CA16-Type 2.5 Gbits/sDWDMTransponder with  
16-Channel 155 Mbits/s Multiplexer/Demultiplexer  
Advance Data Sheet  
March 2001  
During normal operation, the incoming data is passed  
from the PICLK input timing domain to the internally  
generated divide-by-16 PCLK timing domain. Although  
the frequency of PICLK and PCLK is the same, their  
phase relationship is arbitrary. To prevent errors caused  
by short setup or hold times between the two domains,  
the timing generator circuitry monitors the phase rela-  
tionship between PICLK and PCLK.  
Timing Characteristics  
Transmitter Data Input Timing  
The CA16 transponder utilizes a unique FIFO to  
decouple the internal and external (PICLK) clocks. The  
FIFO can be initialized, which allows the system  
designer to have an infinite PCLK-to-PICLK delay  
through this interfacing logic (ASIC or commercial chip  
set). The configuration of the FIFO is dependent upon  
the I/O pins, which comprise the synch timing loop.  
This loop is formed from PHERR to PHINIT and PCLK  
to PICLK.  
When an FIFO timing violation is detected, the phase  
error (PHERR) signal pulses high. If the condition per-  
sists, PHERR will remain high. When PHERR is fed  
back into the PHINIT input (by shorting them on the  
printed-circuit board [PCB]), PHINIT will initialize the  
FIFO if PHINIT is held high for at least two byte clocks.  
The initialization of the FIFO prevents PCLK and PICLK  
from concurrently trying to read and write over the  
same FIFO bank.  
The FIFO can be thought of as a memory stack that  
can be initialized by PHINT or LOCKDET. The PHERR  
signal is a pointer that goes high when a potential tim-  
ing mismatch is detected between PICLK and the inter-  
nally generated PCLK clock. When PHERR is fed back  
to PHINIT, it initializes the FIFO so that it does not over-  
flow or underflow.  
During realignment, one-to-three bytes (16 bits wide)  
will be lost. Alternatively, the customer logic can take in  
the PHERR signal, process it, and send an output to  
the PHINIT input in such a way that only idle bytes are  
lost during the initialization of the FIFO. Once the FIFO  
has been initialized, PHERR will go inactive.  
The internally generated divide-by-16 clock is used to  
clock-out data from the FIFO. PHINIT and LOCKDET  
signals will center the FIFO after the third PICLK pulse.  
This is done to ensure that PICLK is stable. This  
scheme allows the user to have an infinite PCLK to  
PICLK delay through the ASIC. Once the FIFO is cen-  
tered, the PCLK and PICLK can have a maximum drift of  
±5 ns.  
Agere Systems Inc.  