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AD8362-EVAL 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AD8362-EVAL
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内容描述: 50 Hz至2.7 GHz的60分贝TruPwr⑩探测器 [50 Hz to 2.7 GHz 60 dB TruPwr⑩ Detector]
文件页数/大小: 36 页 / 699 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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In such cases, the input coupling capacitors should be large  
enough so that the lowest frequency components of the signal  
that are to be included in the measurement are minimally  
attenuated. For example, for a 3 dB reduction at 1.5 kHz,  
capacitances of 1 µF are needed because the input resistance is  
100 Ω at each input pin (200 Ω differentially) and we calculate  
1/(2π × 1.5 kΩ × 100) = 1 µF. Also, to lower the high-pass  
corner frequency of the VGA, a capacitor of value 200 µF-Hz  
should be used between the CHPF pin and ground; to provide a  
similar 1.5 kHz high-pass corner, a capacitor of 133 nF should  
be used.  
The AD8362 can be used as an accurate rms voltmeter  
from arbitrarily low frequencies to microwave frequencies.  
For low frequency operation, the input is usually specified  
either in volts rms or in dBV (decibels relative to 1 V rms).  
Driven differentially, the specified input range in dBV runs  
from −60 dBV to 0 dBV (1 mV to 1 V rms). In these terms,  
the intercept is at −70 dBV.  
At high frequencies, signal levels are commonly specified  
in power terms. In these circumstances, the source and  
termination impedances are an essential part of the overall  
scaling. To set the AD8362s input impedance to 50 Ω, it is  
necessary to add a resistor of 66.7 Ω across the internal 200 Ω  
differential input impedance of the IC. (This is discussed  
further in later sections.) For this condition, the intercept  
occurs at a nominal power level of −57 dBm, and VOUT  
can be stated in this way:  
The external low-pass averaging capacitance, CLPF, added at  
the output of the squaring cell, is chosen to provide adequate  
filtering of the fluctuating detected signal. The optimum value  
depends on the application; as a guideline, a value of roughly  
900 µF-Hz should be used. For example, a capacitance of 5 µF  
provides adequate filtering down to 180 Hz. Note that the  
fluctuation in the quasi-dc output of a squaring cell operating  
on a sine wave input is a raised cosine at twice the signal  
frequency, easing this filtering function.  
VOUT =  
PIN + 57  
× 50 mV dB  
where PIN is expressed in dBm. For example, an input of  
−30 dBm generates an output of 1.35 V.  
In the standard connections for the measurement mode,  
the VSET pin is tied to VOUT. For small changes in input  
amplitude (a few decibels), the time-domain response of this  
loop is essentially linear, with a 3 dB low-pass corner frequency  
of nominally fLP = 1/(CLPF × 1.1 kΩ). Internal time delays  
around this local loop set the minimum recommended value of  
this capacitor to about 300 pF, giving fLP = 3 MHz.  
The measurement accuracy of an rms-responding device is  
ideally unaffected by the waveform of the input signal. This is a  
valuable asset in wideband CDMA systems and in many other  
modulation modes where there is a significant amount of  
random variation of the RF carrier amplitude at baseband  
frequencies. The high accuracy of the AD8362 in such cases is  
indicated by the Typical Performance Characteristics graphs  
and in the Specifications table. Note that at low frequencies, it is  
customary to provide a specification of measurement errors due  
to waveform effects as a function of the crest factor (σ) rather  
than in terms of a system-specific modulation mode.  
When large and abrupt changes of input amplitude occur,  
the loop response becomes nonlinear and exhibits slew rate  
limitations. Further, due to the fundamentals of a system using  
transconductance squaring cells as employed in the AD8362,  
the slewing is asymmetric for increasing and decreasing inputs.  
Figure 44 shows typical waveforms for VOUT for three values  
of VIN using CLPF = 1 nF.  
When measuring signals whose waveforms have high but  
brief peak values (that is, having high crest factors), these  
peaks may be clipped, causing a reduction in the apparent value  
of the input being measured. This issue is discussed further in  
connection with the detailed description of the input system.  
In conventional rms-to-dc converters based on junction  
techniques, the effective signal bandwidth is proportional to the  
signal amplitude. For a 1 MHz rms-to-dc converter, this is the  
full-scale bandwidth. However, at an input 60 dB below full-  
scale, the bandwidth could be as low as 1 kHz. In sharp contrast,  
the 3.5 GHz bandwidth of the VGA in the AD8362 is  
independent of its gain. Since this amplifier is internally dc-  
coupled, the system can also be used as a high accuracy rms  
voltmeter at low frequencies, retaining its temperature-stable  
decibel-scaled output, for example, in seismic, audio, and sonar  
16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96  
TIME (µs)  
Figure 44. Typical Large-Scale Response  
Rev. B | Page 17 of 36  