3.2.1 Certification of conformance and acquisition traceability. Manufacturers or suppliers including distributors who offer
QML microcircuits described by this specification shall provide written certification, signed by the corporate officer who has
management responsibility for the production of the QML microcircuits, (1) that the QML microcircuits being supplied have
been manufactured and meet the performance defined in the specification whether or not the actual testing has been
performed, (2) that all QML microcircuits are as described on the certificate of conformance which accompanies the shipment,
and (3) that dealers and distributors have handled the QML microcircuit in accordance with the requirements of JESD625 and
JESD31. The responsible corporate official may, by documented authorization, designate other responsible individuals to sign
the certificate of conformance (such as members of the manufacturer's review system), but, the responsibility for conformity
with the facts shall rest with the responsible corporate officer. The certification shall be confirmed by documentation to the
Government or to users with Government contractors or subcontractors, regardless of whether the QML microcircuits are
acquired directly from the manufacturer or from another source such as a distributor. When other sources are involved, their
acquisition certification shall be in addition to the certificates of conformance and acquisition traceability provided by the
manufacturer and previous distributors. The certificate shall include the following information:
a. Manufacturer documentation:
(1) Manufacturer's name and address.
(2) Customer's or distributor's name and address.
(3) Device type.
(4) Date code and latest re-inspection date, if applicable.
(5) Quantity of devices in shipment from manufacturer.
(6) Statement certifying QML microcircuit conformance and traceability.
(7) Solderability re-inspection date, if applicable.
(8) Signature and date of transaction.
(9) If applicable, the certificate shall include a statement indicating that alternate die/fab requirements are being used
(“QD” certification mark, see 3.6.3).
b. Distributor documentation for each distributor:
(1) Distributor's name and address.
(2) Name and address of customer.
(3) Quantity of devices in shipment.
(4) Latest re-inspection date, if applicable.
(5) Certification that this shipment is a part of the shipment covered by the manufacturer's documentation.
(6) Solderability re-inspection date, if applicable.
(7) Signature and date of transaction.