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R80C188XL12 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: R80C188XL12
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文件页数/大小: 48 页 / 381 K
品牌: ETC [ ETC ]
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functions as in compatible mode, and may be pro-  
grammed for activity with ready logic and wait states  
accordingly. As in Compatible Mode, MCS2 will func-  
tion for one-fourth a programmed block size.  
DRAM Refresh Control Unit  
The Refresh Control Unit (RCU) automatically gen-  
erates DRAM refresh bus cycles. The RCU operates  
only in Enhanced Mode. After a programmable peri-  
od of time, the RCU generates a memory read re-  
quest to the BIU. If the address generated during a  
refresh bus cycle is within the range of a properly  
programmed chip select, that chip select will be acti-  
vated when the BIU executes the refresh bus cycle.  
Table 1. MCS Assignments  
Enhanced Mode  
PEREQ Processor Extension Request  
MCS2 Mid-Range Chip Select  
Power-Save Control  
Numeric Processor Select  
The 80C186XL, when in Enhanced Mode, can enter  
a power saving state by internally dividing the proc-  
essor clock frequency by a programmable factor.  
This divided frequency is also available at the  
CLKOUT pin.  
ONCE Test Mode  
To facilitate testing and inspection of devices when  
fixed into a target system, the 80C186XL has a test  
mode available which allows all pins to be placed in  
a high-impedance state. ONCE stands for ‘‘ON Cir-  
cuit Emulation’’. When placed in this mode, the  
80C186XL will put all pins in the high-impedance  
state until RESET.  
All internal logic, including the Refresh Control Unit  
and the timers, have their clocks slowed down by  
the division factor. To maintain a real time count or a  
fixed DRAM refresh rate, these peripherals must be  
re-programmed when entering and leaving the pow-  
er-save mode.  
The ONCE mode is selected by tying the UCS and  
the LCS LOW during RESET. These pins are sam-  
pled on the low-to-high transition of the RES pin.  
The UCS and the LCS pins have weak internal pull-  
up resistors similar to the RD and TEST/BUSY pins  
to guarantee ONCE Mode is not entered inadver-  
tently during normal operation. LCS and UCS must  
be held low at least one clock after RES goes high  
to guarantee entrance into ONCE Mode.  
Interface for 80C187 Math  
Coprocessor (80C186XL Only)  
In Enhanced Mode, three of the mid-range memory  
chip selects are redefined according to Table 1 for  
use with the 80C187. The fourth chip select, MCS2  