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LXT350PE 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LXT350PE
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分类和应用: 电信集成电路PC
文件页数/大小: 50 页 / 1130 K
品牌: ETC [ ETC ]
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LXT350 T1/E1 Short Haul Transceiver with Crystal-less Jitter Attenuation  
Both Hardware and Host Modes allow QRSS mode. The QRSS pattern is normally locked to  
TCLK, however, if there is no TCLK, MCLK is the clock source. Bellcore Pub 62411 defines the  
T1 QRSS transmit format and ITU G.703 defines the E1 format.  
With QRSS transmission enabled, it is possible to insert a logic error into the transmit data stream  
by causing a Low-to-High transition on the INSLER pin. However, if no logic or bit errors are to be  
inserted into the QRSS pattern, INSLER must remain Low. Logic Error insertion waits until the  
next bit if the current bit is jammed. When there are more than 14 consecutive 0s, the output is  
jammed to a 1.  
A Low-to-High transition on the INSBPV pin will insert a bipolar violation in the QRSS pattern.  
Note that the BPV insertion occurs regardless of whether the device is in Bipolar or Unipolar  
operating mode.  
In Hardware mode, connecting the TAOS pin to Midrange enables QRSS transmission. In Host  
mode, setting bits CR2.EPAT0 = 0 and CR2.EPAT1=1 enables QRSS.  
Figure 11. QRSS Mode  
Selecting QRSS mode also enables QRSS Pattern Detection (QPD) in the receive path. The QRSS  
pattern is synchronized when there are fewer than four errors in 128 bits. After achieving  
synchronization the device drives the QPD pin Low. In the QRSS mode, any subsequent bit error in  
the QRSS pattern causes QPD to go High for half an RCLK clock cycle. Note that in Host mode,  
the precise relationship between QPD and RCLK depends on the CLKE pin. When CLKE is Low,  
QPD goes High while RCLK is High; when CLKE is High, QPD goes High while RCLK is Low.  
The edge of QPD can serve as a trigger for an external bit-error counter. A LOS condition or a loss  
of QRSS synchronization will cause QPD to go High continuously. In this case, and with either  
Unipolar mode or the encoders/decoders enabled, the BPV pin indicates BPVs, CODEVs or  
Host mode can generate an interrupt to indicate that QRSS detection has occurred, or that  
synchronization is lost. This interrupt is enabled when bit ICR.CQRSS = 0. If the QPD signal is  
used to trigger a bit error counter, the interrupt could be used to start or reset the error counter.  
The PSR.QRSS bit provides an indication of QRSS pattern synchronization. This bit goes to 0  
when the QRSS pattern is not detected (i.e., when there are more than four errors in 128 bits). The  
TQRSS bit in the Transition Status Register indicates that QRSS status has changed since the last  
QRSS Interrupt Clear command.  