Z8018x Family
MPU User Manual
Table 2.
Multiplexed Pin Descriptions
During RESET, this pin is initialized as A18 pin. If either
TOC1 or TOC0 bit of the Timer Control Register (TCR) is
set to 1, TOUT function is selected. If TOC1 and TOC0 bits
are cleared to 0, A18 function is selected.
During RESET, this pin is initialized as CKA pin.
CKA0/DREQ0 If either DM1 or SM1 in DMA Mode Register (DMODE) is
set to 1, DREQ0 function is always selected.
During RESET, this pin is initialized as CKA1 pin. If
CKA1D bit in ASCI control register ch 1 (CNTLA1) is set to
1, TEND0 function is selected. If CKA1D bit is set to 0,
CKA1 function is selected.
During RESET, this pin is initialized as RXS pin. If CTS1E bit
in ASCI status register ch 1 (STAT1) is set to 1, CTS1 function
is selected. If CTS1E bit is 0, RXS function is selected.
The Z8X180 combines a high performance CPU core with a variety of
system and I/O resources useful in a broad range of applications. The CPU
core consists of five functional blocks: clock generator, bus state controller
(including dynamic memory refresh), interrupt controller, memory
management unit (MMU), and the central processing unit (CPU). The
integrated I/O resources make up the remaining four functional blocks:
Direct Memory Access (DMA) Control (2 channels)
Asynchronous Serial Communications Interface (ASCI, 2 channels),