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MAH8251CD 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MAH8251CD
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内容描述: [Telecom IC,]
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 325 K
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Prior to starting data transmission or reception, the  
MA8251 must be loaded with a set of control words generated  
by the CPU. These control signals define the complete  
functional definition of the MA8251 and must immediately  
follow a Reset operation (internal or external).  
The Mode Instruction can be used to select a scan path  
test facility. In this mode a test vector is read in through RxD  
and read out in TxD. For more information on test mode please  
contact GEC Plessey Semiconductors.  
The control words are split into two formats:  
1. Mode Instruction  
2. Command Instruction  
Whenever a data character is sent by the CPU the MA8251  
automatically adds a Start bit (low level), followed by the data  
bits (least significant bit first,) and the programmed number of  
Stop bits to each character. Also, an even or odd Parity bit is  
inserted prior to the Stop bit(s), as defined by the Mode  
Instruction. The Character is then transmitted as a serial data  
stream on the TxD output. The serial data is shifted out on the  
falling edge of TxC at a rate equal to 1, 116 or 164 times that of  
the TxC, as defined by the Mode Instruction. BREAK  
characters can be continuously sent to the TxD if commanded  
to do so.  
3.1.1 Mode Instruction  
This instruction defines the general operational  
characteristics of the MA8251. It must follow a Reset operation  
(internal or external). Once the Mode instruction has been  
written into the MA8251 by the CPU, SYNC characters or  
Command Instructions may be written.  
3.1.2 Command Instruction  
When no data characters have been loaded into the  
MA8251 the TxD output remains high (marking) unless a  
Break (continuously low) has been programmed.  
This instruction defines a word that is used to control the  
actual operation of the MA8251.  
Both the Mode and Command Instruction must conform to  
a specified sequence for proper device operation. The Mode  
instruction must be written immediately following a Reset  
operation, prior to using the MA8251 for data communications.  
All control words written into the MA8251 after the Mode  
Instruction will load the Command Instruction. Command  
Instructions can be written into the MA8251 at any time in the  
data block during the operation of the MA8251. To return to the  
Mode Instruction format, the master Reset bit in the Command  
Instruction word can be set to initiate an internal Reset  
operation. This automatically places the MA8251 back into the  
Mode Instruction format. Command Instructions must follow  
the Mode Instructions or Sync characters.  
The RxD line is normally high. A falling edge on this line  
triggers the beginning of a START bit. The validity of this  
START bit is checked by again strobing this bit at its nominal  
center (16x or 64X mode only). If a low is detected again, it is a  
valid START bit, and the bit counter will start counting. The bit  
counter thus locates the center of the data bits, the parity bit (if  
it exists) and the stop bits. If a parity error occurs, the parity  
error flag is set. Data and parity bits are sampled on the RxD  
pin with the rising edge of RxC. If a low level is detected as the  
STOP bit, the Framing Error flag will be set. The STOP bit  
signals the end of a character. Note that the receiver requires  
only one stop bit, regardless of the number of stop bits  
programmed. This character is then loaded into the parallel l/O  
buffer of the MA8251. The RxRDY pin is raised to signal the  
CPU that a character is ready to be fetched.  
The MA8251 can be used for either Asynchronous or  
Synchronous data communications. To understand how the  
Mode Instruction defines the functional operation of the  
MA8251, the designer can best view the device as two  
separate components, one Asynchronous and the other  
Synchronous, sharing the same package. The format  
definition can be changed only after a master chip Reset. For  
explanation purposes the two formats will be isolated.  
NOTE: When parity is enabled it is not considered as one  
of the data bits for the purpose of programming the word  
length. The actual parity bit received on the Rx Data line  
cannot be read on the Data Bus. In the case of a programmed  
character length of less than 8 bits, the least significant data  
bus bits will hold the data; unused bits are ‘don’t care’ when  
writing data to the MA8251, and will be zeros when reading the  
data from the MA8251.  
If a previous character has not been fetched by the CPU,  
the present character replaces it in the l/O buffer, and the  
OVERRUN Error flag is raised (thus the previous character is  
lost). All of the error flags can be reset by an Error Reset  
Instruction. The occurrence of any of these errors will not affect  
the operation of the MA8251.  