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X1288S16 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: X1288S16
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内容描述: 2线RTC实时时钟/日历/ CPU监控器, EEPROM [2-Wire RTC Real Time Clock/Calendar/CPU Supervisor with EEPROM]
分类和应用: 计时器或实时时钟微控制器和处理器外围集成电路光电二极管监控可编程只读存储器电动程控只读存储器电可擦编程只读存储器
文件页数/大小: 31 页 / 559 K
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Preliminary Information  
Interface Conventions  
– The Slave Address Byte when the Device Identifier  
and/or Select bits are incorrect  
– All Data Bytes of a write when the WEL in the Write  
Protect Register is LOW  
The device supports a bidirectional bus oriented proto-  
col. The protocol defines any device that sends data  
onto the bus as a transmitter, and the receiving device  
as the receiver. The device controlling the transfer is  
called the master and the device being controlled is  
called the slave.The master always initiates data trans-  
fers, and provides the clock for both transmit and  
receive operations. Therefore, the devices in this family  
operate as slaves in all applications.  
– The 2nd Data Byte of a Status Register Write Opera-  
tion (only 1 data byte is allowed)  
In the read mode, the device will transmit eight bits of  
data, release the SDA line, then monitor the line for an  
acknowledge. If an acknowledge is detected and no  
stop condition is generated by the master, the device  
will continue to transmit data. The device will terminate  
further data transmissions if an acknowledge is not  
detected. The master must then issue a stop condition  
to return the device to Standby mode and place the  
device into a known state.  
Clock and Data  
Data states on the SDA line can change only during  
SCL LOW. SDA state changes during SCL HIGH are  
reserved for indicating start and stop conditions. See  
Figure 8.  
Following a start condition, the master must output a  
Slave Address Byte. The first four bits of the Slave  
Address Byte specify access to either the EEPROM  
array or to the CCR. Slave bits ‘1010’ access the  
EEPROM array. Slave bits ‘1101’ access the CCR.  
Start Condition  
All commands are preceded by the start condition,  
which is a HIGH to LOW transition of SDA when SCL is  
HIGH. The device continuously monitors the SDA and  
SCL lines for the start condition and will not respond to  
any command until this condition has been met. See  
Figure 9.  
When shipped from the factory, EEPROM array is  
UNDEFINED, and should be programmed by the cus-  
tomer to a known state.  
Stop Condition  
Bit 3 through Bit 1 of the slave byte specify the device  
select bits.These are set to ‘111’.  
All communications must be terminated by a stop  
condition, which is a LOW to HIGH transition of SDA  
when SCL is HIGH. The stop condition is also used to  
place the device into the Standby power mode after a  
read sequence. A stop condition can only be issued  
after the transmitting device has released the bus. See  
Figure 9.  
The last bit of the Slave Address Byte defines the oper-  
ation to be performed. When this R/W bit is a one, then  
a read operation is selected. A zero selects a write  
operation. Refer to Figure 11.  
After loading the entire Slave Address Byte from the  
SDA bus, the X1288 compares the device identifier  
and device select bits with ‘1010111’ or ‘1101111’.  
Upon a correct compare, the device outputs an  
acknowledge on the SDA line.  
Acknowledge is a software convention used to indicate  
successful data transfer. The transmitting device, either  
master or slave, will release the bus after transmitting  
eight bits. During the ninth clock cycle, the receiver will  
pull the SDA line LOW to acknowledge that it received  
the eight bits of data. Refer to Figure 10.  
Following the Slave Byte is a two byte word address.  
The word address is either supplied by the master  
device or obtained from an internal counter. On power  
up the internal address counter is set to address 0h, so  
a current address read of the EEPROM array starts at  
address 0. When required, as part of a random read,  
the master must supply the 2 Word Address Bytes as  
shown in Figure 11.  
The device will respond with an acknowledge after rec-  
ognition of a start condition and if the correct Device  
Identifier and Select bits are contained in the Slave  
Address Byte. If a write operation is selected, the  
device will respond with an acknowledge after the  
receipt of each subsequent eight bit word. The device  
will acknowledge all incoming data and address bytes,  
except for:  
In a random read operation, the slave byte in the  
“dummy write” portion must match the slave byte in the  
“read” section. That is if the random read is from the  
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REV 1.1.30 3/24/04  