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WM8961 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: WM8961
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内容描述: 超低功耗立体声编解码器与1W立体声D类扬声器驱动器和接地参考耳机驱动器 [Ultra-Low Power Stereo CODEC with 1W Stereo Class D Speaker Drivers and Ground Referenced Headphone Drivers]
分类和应用: 解码器驱动器编解码器
文件页数/大小: 116 页 / 1413 K
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The WM8961 has an automatic level control that aims to keep a constant recording volume  
irrespective of the input signal level. This is achieved by continuously adjusting the input PGA gain so  
that the signal level at the ADC input remains constant. A digital peak detector monitors the ADC  
output and changes the PGA gain if necessary. Note that when the ALC function is enabled, the  
settings of registers 0 and 1 (LINVOL, IPVU, LIZC, LINMUTE, RINVOL, RIZC and RINMUTE) are  
hold decay  
time time  
Figure 15 ALC Operation  
The ALC function is enabled using the ALCSEL control bits. When enabled, the recording volume can  
be programmed between –6dB and –28.5dB (relative to ADC full scale) using the ALCL register bits.  
An upper limit for the PGA gain can be imposed by setting the MAXGAIN control bits. An lower limit  
for the PGA gain can be imposed by setting the MINGAIN control bits.  
HLD, DCY and ATK control the hold, decay and attack times, respectively:  
Hold time is the time delay between the peak level detected being below target and the PGA gain  
beginning to ramp up. It can be programmed in power-of-two (2n) steps, e.g. 2.67ms, 5.33ms,  
10.67ms etc. up to 43.7s. Alternatively, the hold time can also be set to zero. The hold time only  
applies to gain ramp-up; there is no delay before ramping the gain down when the signal level is  
above target.  
Decay (Gain Ramp-Up) Time is the time that it takes for the PGA gain to ramp up across 90% of its  
range (for example from –21B up to 21.75dB). The time it takes for the recording level to return to its  
target value therefore depends on both the decay time and on the gain adjustment required. If the  
gain adjustment is small, it will be shorter than the decay time. The decay time can be programmed in  
power-of-two (2n) steps, from 24ms, 48ms, 96ms, etc. to 24.58s.  
Attack (Gain Ramp-Down) Time is the time that it takes for the PGA gain to ramp down across 90%  
of its range (for example from 21.75dB down to -21B gain). The time it takes for the recording level to  
return to its target value therefore depends on both the attack time and on the gain adjustment  
required. If the gain adjustment is small, it will be shorter than the attack time. The attack time can be  
programmed in power-of-two (2n) steps, from 6ms, 12ms, 24ms, etc. to 6.14s.  
When operating in stereo, the peak detector takes the maximum of left and right channel peak values,  
and any new gain setting is applied to both left and right PGAs, so that the stereo image is preserved.  
The input PGA and MICBOOST gain settings should be identical when entering ALC stereo mode in  
order for gain updates to be applied correctly.  
The ALC function can also be enabled on one channel only. In this case, only one PGA is controlled  
by the ALC mechanism, while the other channel runs independently with its PGA gain set through the  
control register.  
When one ADC channel is unused, the peak detector disregards that channel.  
PP, August 2009, Rev 3.1  