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BCM352F125M300A00 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: BCM352F125M300A00
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内容描述: [HV BCM BUS CONVERT 12.5V 300W]
文件页数/大小: 21 页 / 1639 K
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Within this frequency range, capacitance at the input appears as  
effective capacitance on the output per the relationship  
defined in Eq. 13.  
Input and Output Filter Design  
A major advantage of SAC™ systems versus conventional PWM  
converters is that the transformers do not require large  
functional filters. The resonant LC tank, operated at extreme high  
frequency, is amplitude modulated as a function of input voltage  
and output current and efficiently transfers charge through the  
isolation transformer. A small amount of capacitance embedded  
in the input and output stages of the module is sufficient for full  
functionality and is key to achieve power density.  
This enables a reduction in the size and number of capacitors used  
in a typical system.  
This paradigm shift requires system design to carefully evaluate  
external filters in order to:  
1. Guarantee low source impedance:  
Thermal Considerations  
To take full advantage of the BCM module’s dynamic  
response, the impedance presented to its input terminals  
must be low from DC to approximately 5MHz. The  
connection of the bus converter module to its power  
source should be implemented with minimal distribution  
inductance. If the interconnect inductance exceeds  
100nH, the input should be bypassed with a RC damper  
to retain low source impedance and stable operation.  
With an interconnect inductance of 200nH, the RC damper  
may be as high as 1µF in series with 0.3Ω. A single  
electrolytic or equivalent low-Q capacitor may be used in  
place of the series RC bypass.  
VI Chip® products are multi-chip modules whose temperature  
distribution varies greatly for each part number as well as with the  
input / output conditions, thermal management and environmental  
conditions. Maintaining the top of the BCM352x125y300A00 case  
to less than 100ºC will keep all junctions within the VI Chip module  
below 125ºC for most applications.  
The percent of total heat dissipated through the top surface  
versus through the J-lead is entirely dependent on the particular  
mechanical and thermal environment. The heat dissipated through  
the top surface is typically 60%. The heat dissipated through the  
J-lead onto the PCB surface is typically 40%. Use 100% top surface  
dissipation when designing for a conservative cooling solution.  
2. Further reduce input and/or output voltage ripple  
without sacrificing dynamic response:  
It is not recommended to use a VI Chip module for an extended  
period of time at full load without proper heat sinking.  
Given the wide bandwidth of the module, the source  
response is generally the limiting factor in the overall  
system response. Anomalies in the response of the source  
will appear at the output of the module multiplied by its  
K factor. This is illustrated in Figures 15 and 16.  
3. Protect the module from overvoltage transients imposed  
by the system that would exceed maximum ratings and  
cause failures:  
The module input/output voltage ranges shall not be  
exceeded. An internal overvoltage lockout function  
prevents operation outside of the normal operating input  
range. Even during this condition, the powertrain is  
exposed to the applied voltage and power MOSFETs must  
withstand it. A criterion for protection is the maximum  
amount of energy that the input or output switches can  
tolerate if avalanched.  
Total load capacitance at the output of the BCM module shall not  
exceed the specified maximum. Owing to the wide bandwidth  
and low output impedance of the module, low-frequency bypass  
capacitance and significant energy storage may be more densely  
and efficiently provided by adding capacitance at the input of  
the module. At frequencies <500kHz the module appears as an  
impedance of ROUT between the source and load.  
BCM® Bus Converter  
Page 16 of 21  
Rev 2.0  
800 927.9474  